{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

module Categories where

open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidR

record Category : Set where
  infix 6 _~>_
  infix 2 _≈_

    -- Objects and arrows in the category
    Obj : Set
    _~>_ : (A B : Obj)  Set

    -- The meaning of equality of morphisms
      : {A B : Obj}
       A ~> B
       A ~> B

    -- _≈_ forms a equivalence relationship
    ≈-equiv : {A B : Obj}  IsEquivalence (_≈_ {A} {B})

    -- Id and composition
    id : {A : Obj}  A ~> A
    _∘_ : {A B C : Obj}  B ~> C  A ~> B  A ~> C

        :  {A B C} {g g' : B ~> C} {f f' : A ~> B}
         g  g'
         f  f'
         g  f  g'  f'

    -- Laws
    id-r : {A B : Obj} (f : A ~> B)  f  id  f
    id-l : {A B : Obj} (f : A ~> B)  id  f  f
      : {A B C D : Obj}
       (h : C ~> D)
       (g : B ~> C)
       (f : A ~> B)
       h  (g  f)  (h  g)  f

  -- "Forward" composition
  _>>_ : {A B C : Obj}  A ~> B  B ~> C  A ~> C
  _>>_ f g = g  f

      : {A B C D : Obj}
       (f : A ~> B)
       (g : B ~> C)
       (h : C ~> D)
       f >> (g >> h)  (f >> g) >> h
  >>-assoc f g h = IsEquivalence.sym ≈-equiv (∘-assoc h g f)

  setoid : {X Y : Obj}  Setoid _ _
  Setoid.Carrier (setoid {X} {Y}) = X ~> Y
  Setoid._≈_ setoid  = _≈_
  Setoid.isEquivalence setoid = ≈-equiv

  module HomReasoning {A B : Obj} where
    open SetoidR (setoid {A} {B}) public
    open IsEquivalence (≈-equiv {A} {B}) public

module _ where
  open Category

  infix 2 _[_≈_]
  _[_≈_] : (r : Category) {A B : Obj r}  (r ~> A) B  (r ~> A) B  Set
  _[_≈_] = _≈_

  -- Notational convenience for arrows in a category. Helpful when dealing with
  -- multiple categories at once.
  -- eg we can talk about a set arrow via `SET [ Bool , Int ]`
  infix 5 _[_,_]
  _[_,_] : (C : Category) -> Obj C -> Obj C -> Set
  C [ X , Y ] = _~>_ C X Y

  -- Notational convenience for composition.
  -- eg we can talk about a set composition `SET [ show ∘ length ] : SET [ List A , String ]`
  infix 5 _[_∘_]
  _[_∘_] : (C : Category) -> {X Y Z : Obj C} -> C [ Y , Z ] -> C [ X , Y ] -> C [ X , Z ]
  _[_∘_] = _∘_

  -- Notational convenience for "forward" composition.
  -- eg we can talk about a set composition `SET [ length >> show ] : SET [ List A , String ]`
  infix 5 _[_>>_]
  _[_>>_] : (C : Category) -> {X Y Z : Obj C} -> C [ X , Y ] -> C [ Y , Z ] -> C [ X , Z ]
  _[_>>_] = _>>_

module _ (C : Category) where
  open Category C
  record HasTerminal : Set where
      terminal : Obj
          : (A : Obj)
           A ~> terminal
          : {A : Obj}
           (f : A ~> terminal)
           f  term-arr A