A New Perspective on Lenses
I’ve always considered lenses to be a bit uncomfortable. While they’re occasionally useful for doing deeply nested record updates, they often seem to be more trouble than they’re worth. There’s a temptation in the novice programmer, to ^..
and folded
their way to a solution that is much more naturally written merely as toList
. And don’t get me started about the stateful operators like <<+=
and their friends. Many programs which can be more naturally written functionally accidentally end up being imperative due to somebody finding a weird lens combinator and trying to use it in anger. Much like a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
Thus, my response has usually been one of pushback and moderation. I don’t avoid lenses at all costs, but I do try to limit myself to the prime types (Lens'
, Prism'
, Iso'
), and to the boring combinators (view
, set
, over
). I feel like these give me most of the benefits of lenses, without sending me tumbling down the rabbit hole.
All of this is to say that my grokkage of lenses has always been one of generalized injections and projections, for a rather shallow definition of “generalized”. That is, I’ve grown accustomed to thinking about lenses as getter/setter pairs for data structures—eg, I’ve got a big product type and I want to pull a smaller piece out of it, or modify a smaller piece in a larger structure. I think about prisms as the dual structure over coproducts—“generalized” injecting and pattern matching.
And this is all true; but I’ve been missing the forest for the trees on this one. That’s not to say that I want to write lensier code, but that I should be taking the “generalized” part much more seriously.
The big theme of my intellectual development over the last few years has been thinking about abstractions as shared vocabularies. Monoids are not inherently interesting; they’re interesting because of how they let you quotient seemingly-unrelated problems by their monoidal structure. Applicatives are cool because once you’ve grokked them, you begin to see them everywhere. Anywhere you’ve got conceptually-parallel, data-independent computations, you’ve got an applicative lurking somewhere under the surface (even if it happens to be merely the Identity
I’ve had a similar insight about lenses, and that’s what I wanted to write about today.
The Context
At work, I’ve been thinking a lot about compilers and memory layout lately. I won’t get into the specifics of why, but we can come up with an inspired example. Imagine we’d like to use Haskell to write a little eDSL that we will use to generate x86 machine code.
The trick of course, is that we’re writing Haskell in order to not write machine code. So the goal is to design high-level combinators in Haskell that express our intent, while simultaneously generating machine code that faithfully implements the intention.
One particularly desirable feature about eDSLs is that they allow us to reuse Haskell’s type system. Thus, imagine we have some type:
type Code :: Type -> Type
data Code a = Code
getMachineCode :: [X86OpCode]
{ }
Notice that the a
parameter here is entirely phantom; it serves only to annotate the type of the value produced by executing getMachineCode
. For today’s purpose, we’ll ignore all the details about calling conventions and register layout and what not; let’s just assume a Code a
corresponds to a computation that leaves a value (or pointer) to something of type a
in a well-known place, whether that be the top of the stack, or eax
or something. It doesn’t matter!
Since the type parameter to Code
is phantom, we need to think about what role it should have. Keeping it at phantom
would be disastrous, since this type isn’t used by Haskell, but it is certainly used to ensure our program is correct. Similarly, representational
seems wrong, since coerce
is meaningful only when thinking about Haskell; which this thing decidedly is not. Thus, our only other option is:
type role Code nominal
Frustratingly, due to very similar reasoning, Code
cannot be a functor, because there’s no way1 to lift an arbitrary Haskell function a -> b
into a corresponding function Code a -> Code b
. If there were, we’d be in the clear! But alas, we are not.
The Problem
All of the above is to say that we are reusing Haskell’s type system, but not its values. An expression of type Code Bool
has absolutely no relation to the values True
or False
—except that we could write, by hand, a function litBool :: Bool -> Code Bool
which happened to do the right thing.
It is tempting, however, to make new Haskell types in order to help constrain the assembly code we end up writing. For example, maybe we want to write a DSP for efficiently decoding audio. We can use Haskell’s types to organize our thoughts and prevent ourselves from making any stupid mistakes:
data Decoder = Decoder
format :: Format
{ seekPos :: Int
, state :: ParserState
data Chunk = ...
createDecoder :: Code MediaHandle -> Code Decoder
decodeChunk :: Code Decoder -> (Code Decoder, Code Chunk)
We now have a nice interface in our eDSL to guide end-users along the blessed path of signal decoding. We have documented what we are trying to do, and how it can be used once it’s implemented. But due to our phantom, yet nominal
, parameter to Code
, this is all just make believe. There is absolutely no correlation between what we’ve written down and how we can use it. The problem arises when we go to implement decodeChunk
. We’ll need to know what state we’re in, which means we’ll need some function:
decoderState :: Code Decoder -> Code ParserState
= ??? decoderState
In a world where Code
is a functor, this is implemented trivially as fmap state
. But Code
is not a functor! Alas! Woe! What ever can we do?
The Solution
Lenses, my guy!
Recall that Code
is phantom in its argument, even if we use roles to restrict that fact. This means we can implement a safe-ish version of unsafeCoerce
, that only fiddles with the paramater of our phantom type:
unsafeCoerceCode :: Code a -> Code b
Code ops) = Code ops unsafeCoerceCode (
Judicious use of unsafeCoerceCode
allows us to switch between a value’s type and its in-memory representation. For example, given a type:
type Bytes :: Nat -> Type
data Bytes n
we can reinterpret a Decode
as a sequence of bytes:
decoderRep :: Iso' (Code Decoder) (Code (Bytes (32 + 4 + 1)))
= iso unsafeCoerceCode unsafeCoerceCode
stateRep :: Iso' (Code ParserState) (Code (Bytes 1))
= iso unsafeCoerceCode unsafeCoerceCode stateRep
which says we are considering our Decoder
to be laid out in memory like:
struct Decoder {
char format[32];
int32_t seekPos;
char state;
Of course, this is a completely unsafe transformation, as far as the Haskell type system is aware. We’re in the wild west out here, well past any type theoretical life buoys. We’d better be right that this coercion is sound. But assuming this is in fact the in-memory representation of a Decoder
, we are well justified in this transformation.
Notice the phrasing of our Iso'
above. It is not an iso between Decoder
and Bytes 37
, but between Code
s of such things. This witnesses the fact that it is not true in the Haskell embedding, merely in our Code
domain. Of course, isos are like the least exciting optics, so let’s see what other neat things we can do.
Imagine we have some primitives:
slice :: n <= m
=> Int -- ^ offset
-> Proxy n -- ^ size
-> Code (Bytes m)
-> Code (Bytes n)
overwrite :: n <= m
=> Int -- ^ offset
-> Bytes n
-> Bytes m
-> Bytes m
which we can envision as Haskell bindings to the pseudo-C functions:
const char[n] slice(size_t offset, char[m] bytes) {
return &bytes[offset];
char[m] overwrite(size_t offset, char[n] value, char[m] bytes) {
char[m] new_bytes = malloc(m);
(new_bytes, bytes, m);
memcpy(&new_bytes[offset], value, n);
memcpyreturn new_bytes;
We can use slice
and overwrite
to give a Lens'
into Bytes
slicing :: n <= m => Int -> Code (Bytes m) -> Code (Bytes n)
slicing offset
(slice offset -> overwrite offset new orig) (\orig new
and finally, we can give an implementation of the desired decoderState
decoderState :: Lens' (Code Decoder) (Code ParserState)
= decoderRep . slicing 36 . from stateRep decoderState
Such a lens acts exactly as a record selector would, in that it allows us to view
, set
, and over
a ParserState
inside of a Decoder
. But recall that Code
is just a list of instructions we eventually want the machine to run. We’re using the shared vocabulary of lenses to emit machine code! What looks like using a data structure to us when viewed through the Haskell perspective, is instead invoking an assembler.
Once the idea sinks in, you’ll start seeing all sorts of cool things you can do with optics to generate code. Prism
s generalize running initializer code. A Traversal
over Code
can be implemented as a loop. And since all the sizes are known statically, if you’re feeling plucky, you can decide to unroll the loop right there in the lens.
Outside of the context of Code
, the realization that optics are this general is still doing my head in. Something I love about working in Haskell is that I’m still regularly having my mind blown, even after a decade.
Short of compiling to categories via something like categorifier.↩︎