
In the last chapter, we built a Tape a data type to support the program and memory tapes inside of the P’’ machine we’re constructing. We made Tape a by using two List as as the “spools” on either end of the tape, and a single a as the read head of the tape.

In order to achieve tapes which felt like they were infinitely long, we invented the “Point of interest” pattern, which offers a point : Point a => a value, indicating some value which is the (arbitrarily) most interesting value in a given type a. Using point, we were able to generate extra length on either end of the tape whenever we ran out, and as such, our tape could grow as it was necessary.

We then built a sum type Instr, which represented the possible instructions our P’’ machine could execute. Finally, we took the product type of Tape Instr with a Tape Nat to provide program and memory tapes, and bundled them up under the type P''.

Our plan today is to write a function execute : Tape Instr -> Tape Nat, which takes a program tape, and outputs the resulting memory tape after the P’’ machine running the program has Halted. Our strategy to perform this execution will be identical to the example we worked through in the last chapter, although this time we’ll write a symbolic computation to do the actual work for us.

This “execution pipeline” will be in terms of four distinct steps:

  1. Read the instruction from the read head of the program tape.
  2. Run the instruction, modifying the state of the machine and halting if necessary.
  3. Advance the read head of the program tape if the machine hasn’t halted.
  4. Repeat the previous three steps if the machine hasn’t halted.

We can represent this pipeline in terms of Kleisli functions which need to be composeKed together, all running in the State P'' Kleisli pattern.

The first step in this pipeline is Read : State P'' Instr, which simply fetches the readHead of the program tape hiding inside of the state of the P’’ machine:

read : State P'' Instr
read = do
    (P'' instrTape _) ← get
    inject (readHead instrTape)

Side Note: We use the inject : Kleisli m => a -> m a function to take a “pure” a value and get it into a Kleisli context. This is important so that we have the correct output type for our function.

Easy. The Advance step of the pipeline is also particularly easy, so we’ll knock it out of the way now as well:

advance : State P'' Unit
advance = do
    (P'' progTape memTape) ← get
    set (P'' (moveRight progTape) memTape)

advance merely retrieves the state of the P’’ machine, moves the program tape to the right, and updates the state of the P’’ machine so that it reflects this. Note that this function returns Unit, meaning that we don’t care about it – we’re using advance only for the “side effects” it performs on our state.

We find ourselves now at the part we’ve been avoiding, the necessity of actually running the individual instructions available to our P’’ machine. Obviously we’ll need a function to run each instruction, which we can then select the correct one to use via function pattern matching on our input instruction.

But what should the interface of these “execute an instruction” functions be? We’ll consider the kinds of things we want instructions to be able to do in order to answer this question. Upon some inspection, there are three different things our instructions can do: Halt the machine, manipulate the program tape, or manipulate the memory tape. The last two of those are obviously just running in the State P'' Kleisli environment, and so all we’re left with is the Halting part.

At the end of the day, all we really care about from these instructions that can Halt is “did we actually Halt?” As a result, we can model our instructions as Kleisli values of the following type State P'' Bool. The State P'' allows us to manipulate the state of the P’’ machine, and the Bool output we’ll think of as On meaning “our machine is still on (we haven’t Halted)” and Off meaning “our machine is off (we have, in fact, Halted)”.

The Halt instruction is the simplest, so we can start there:

instrHalt : State P'' Bool
instrHalt = inject Off

instrHalt is the instruction which always halts, and so the only thing it needs to do is to output Off and it’s done. Nothing to it, really.

The Move Left and Move Right instructions are also easy, since we already have the necessary functions to move the memory tape. Furthermore, these instructions can never Halt, and so there’s really no trick to them:

instrMoveLeft : State P'' Bool
instrMoveLeft = do
    (P'' progTape memTape) ← get
    set (P'' progTape (moveLeft memTape))
    inject On
instrMoveRight : State P'' Bool
instrMoveRight = do
    (P'' progTape memTape) ← get
    set (P'' progTape (moveRight memTape))
    inject On

Simple as borscht, really. These functions are identical to one another, except that “Left” has been replaced by “Right”. That’s good, but we find ourselves having to write a lot of “boilerplate” in order to accomplish things here. The pattern is always the same: read the state, and then replace part of the state with an updated value. Instead, we’ll write a lemma to help with this pattern:

withMemTape : (Tape Nat -> Tape Nat) -> State P'' Unit
withMemTape f = do
    (P'' progTape memTape) ← get
    set (P'' progTape (f memTape))

withMemTape abstracts away a lot of that “get, change, set” pattern that we found ourselves writing for instrMoveLeft and instrMoveRight. withMemTape simply takes a function which describes how to change the memory tape, and it performs that change for you. We can thus rewrite our move instructions in terms of this new abstraction:

instrMoveLeft : State P'' Bool
instrMoveLeft = do
    withMemTape moveLeft
    inject On
instrMoveRight : State P'' Bool
instrMoveRight = do
    withMemTape moveRight
    inject On

To my eyes, this is much more clear in terms of what it’s accomplishing – describing “what’s going on” rather than “how to actually do it”. Notice that we could have shortened these functions a little more if we had moved the inject On action into the withMemTape lemma, but that would have had strange semantics, because it’s unclear what a Bool coming from withMemTape might mean. As such, we keep withMemTape outputting a Unit, encoding the concept that it only changes the state directly into something meaningful in its type.

Before getting to the Increment and Decrement instructions, we’ll need another helper lemma. It’s signature is modHead: (a -> a) -> Tape a -> Tape a, which as you might expect from the name, modifies the value at the read head of a tape:

modHead : (a -> a) -> Tape a -> Tape a
modHead f (Tape ls a rs) = Tape ls (f a) rs

With modHead, writing Increment is now simple:

instrIncrement : State P'' Bool
instrIncrement = do
    withMemTape (modHead succ)
    inject On

This might look a little strange if you haven’t yet quite become comfortable with the idea of function currying we looked at a few chapters ago. modHead’s (specialized for here, non-polymorphic) type is (Nat -> Nat) -> Tape Nat -> Tape Nat, but withMemTape is expecting an input of type Tape Nat -> Tape Nat. We can wrestle modHead’s type into the correct “shape” by giving it exactly one input – the function it should use to manipulate the read head. Here we pass succ, our old friend to find the successor of a Nat. With the succ input snugly in place, modHead succ now has the type Tape Nat -> Tape Nat, which is exactly the right shape to be plugged into withMemTape.

We turn our attention to the Decrement instruction, which will cause us a little bit of grief, because it can Halt if the value at the read head of the memory tape is Zero.

instrDecrement : State P'' Bool
instrDecrement = do
    (P'' progTape memTape) ← get
    attemptDecr (readHead memTape)
    attemptDecr : Nat -> State P'' Bool
    attemptDecr Zero    = inject Off
    attemptDecr (S num) = do
        withMemTape (always num)
        inject On

instrDecrement is written in two parts – first it pulls out the readHead of the memory tape, and then passes that as an input to a local lemma defined in the where-block: attemptDecr. This lemma pattern matches on its input; if that input is Zero, we simply give back Off, which indicates we have halted.

Otherwise, attemptDecr updates the value at the read head of the memory tape with the number num (which is one less than it used to be, due to the pattern matching with S). We use the always : x -> y -> x function to get a function which will always give back num, rather than depend on the current value at the read head. We can get away with doing that because we’ve already computed what it should be.

We’re on the home stretch! Can you feel it? All that’s left is to write the Enter Loop and Exit Loop instructions, and then wire the whole thing together. They’re a little more involved, however, so we’ll leave them until the next chapter.


  1. Define an analogous withProgTape : (Tape Instr -> Tape Instr) -> State P'' Unit function.
  2. Rewrite the instrDecrement action in terms of the decr : Nat -> Maybe Nat function we defined when we were first looking at Nats.