FRP in Yampa: Part 4: Routing

FRP, yampa, haskell, technical, programming, gamedev

In the last post, we investigated the switch combinator, and saw how it can give us the ability to work with “state machine”-sorts of things in our functionally reactive programs.

Today we turn our attention towards game objects—that is, independently operating entities inside of the game, capable of behaving on their own and communicating with one another. I originally learned of this technique from the paper The Yampa Arcade, but haven’t looked at it in a few years, so any shortcomings here are my own.

Nevertheless, the material presented here does in fact work—I’ve actually shipped a game using this exact technique!

Game Objects

Before we dive into the Yampa, it’s worth taking some time to think about what it is we’re actually trying to accomplish. There are a series of constraints necessary to get everything working, and we’ll learn a lot about the problem domain by solving those constraints simultaneously.

The problem: we’d like several Objects running around, which we’d like to program independently, but which behave compositionally. There are going to be a lot of moving pieces here—not only in our game, but also in our solution—so let’s take a moment to define a type synonym for ourselves:

type Object = SF ObjectInput ObjectOutput

Of course, we haven’t yet defined ObjectInput or ObjectOutput, but that’s OK! They will be subject to a boatload of constraints, so we’ll sort them out as we go. At the very least, we will need the ability for an Object to render itself, so we can add a Render field:

data ObjectOutput = ObjectOutput
  { oo_render :: Render
  , ...

We would like Objects to be able to interact with one another. The usual functional approach to this problem is to use message passing—that is, Objects can send values of some message type to one another. Those messages could be things like “I shot you!” or “teleport to me,” or any sort of crazy game-specific behavior you’d like.

In order to do this, we’ll need some sort of Name for each Object. The exact structure of this type depends on your game. For the purposes of this post we’ll leave the thing abstract:

data Name = ...

We’ll also need a Message type, which again we leave abstract:

data Message = ...

Sending messages is clearly an output of the Object, so we will add them to ObjectOutput:

data ObjectOutput = ObjectOutput
  { oo_render :: Render
  , oo_outbox :: [(Name, Message)]
  , ...

There are actions we’d like to perform in the world which are not messages we want to send to anyone; particularly things like “kill my Object” or “start a new Object.” These two are particularly important, but you could imagine updating global game state or something else here.

data Command
  = Die
  | Spawn Name ObjectState Object
  | ...

Commands are also outputs:

data ObjectOutput = ObjectOutput
  { oo_render   :: Render
  , oo_outbox   :: [(Name, Message)]
  , oo_commands :: [Command]
  , ...

Finally, it’s often helpful to have some common pieces of state that belong to all Objects—things like their current position, and hot boxes, and anything else that might make sense to track in your game. We’ll leave this abstract:

data ObjecState = ...

data ObjectOutput = ObjectOutput
  { oo_render   :: Render
  , oo_outbox   :: [(Name, Message)]
  , oo_commands :: [Command]
  , oo_state    :: ObjectState

Let’s turn our attention now to the input side. It’s pretty clear we’re going to want incoming messages, and our current state:

data ObjectInput = ObjectInput
  { oi_inbox :: [(Name, Message)]
  , oi_state :: ObjectState

What’s more interesting, however, than knowing our own state is knowing everyone’s state. Once we have that, we can re-derive oi_state if we know our own Name. Thus, instead:

data ObjectInput = ObjectInput
  { oi_inbox    :: [(Name, Message)]
  , oi_me       :: Name
  , oi_everyone :: Map Name ObjectState

oi_state :: ObjectInput -> ObjectState
oi_state oi
    = fromMaybe (error "impossible!")
    $ Data.Map.lookup (oi_me oi)
    $ oi_everyone oi

Parallel Switching

Armed with our input and output types, we need now figure out how to implement any of this. The relevant combinator is Yampa’s pSwitch, with the ridiculous type:

  :: Functor col
  => (forall sf. gi -> col sf -> col (li, sf))
  -> col (SF li o)
  -> SF (gi, col o) (Event e)
  -> (col (SF li o) -> e -> SF gi (col o))
  -> SF gi (col o)

Yes, there are five type variables here (six, if you include the rank-2 type.) In order, they are:

  1. col: the data structure we’d like to store everything in
  2. gi: the global input, fed to the eventual signal
  3. li: the local input, fed to each object
  4. o: the output of each object signal
  5. e: the type we will use to articulate desired changes to the world

Big scary types like these are an excellent opportunity to turn on -XTypeApplications, and explicitly fill out the type parameters. From our work earlier, we know the types of li and o—they ought to be ObjectInput and ObjectOutput:

pSwitch @_
  :: Functor col
  => (forall sf. gi -> col sf -> col (ObjectInput, sf))
  -> col (SF ObjectInput ObjectOutput)
  -> SF (gi, col ObjectOutput) (Event e)
  -> (col (SF ObjectInput ObjectOutput) -> e -> SF gi (col ObjectOutput))
  -> SF gi (col ObjectOutput)

It’s a little clearer what’s going on here. We can split it up by its four parameters:

  1. The first (value) parameter is this rank-2 function which is responsible for splitting the global input into a local input for each object.
  2. The second parameter is the collection of starting objects.
  3. The third parameter extracts the desired changes from the collection of outputs
  4. The final parameter applies the desired changes, resulting in a new signal of collections.

We are left with a few decisions, the big ones are: what should col be, and what should e be? My answer for the first is:

data ObjectMap a = ObjectMap
  { om_objects  :: Map Name (ObjectState, a)
  , om_messages :: MonoidalMap Name [(Name, Message)]
  deriving stock Functor

which not only conveniently associates names with their corresponding objects and states, but also keeps track of the messages which haven’t yet been delivered. We’ll investigate this further momentarily.

For maximum switching power, we can therefore make our event type be ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object. Filling all the types in, we get:

pSwitch @ObjectMap
        @(ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object)
  :: (forall sf. gi -> ObjectMap sf -> ObjectMap (ObjectInput, sf))
  -> ObjectMap Object
  -> SF (gi, ObjectMap ObjectOutput)
        (Event (ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object))
  -> ( ObjectMap Object
    -> (ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object)
    -> SF gi (ObjectMap ObjectOutput)
  -> SF gi (ObjectMap ObjectOutput)

which is something that feels almost reasonable. Let’s write a function that calls pSwitch at these types. Thankfully, we can immediately fill in two of these parameters:

    :: ObjectMap Object
    -> SF gi (ObjectMap ObjectOutput)
router objs =
  pSwitch @ObjectMap
          @(ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object)
    (\om f -> router' $ (f om) { om_messages = mempty })

We are left with two holes: one which constructs ObjectInputs, the other which destructs ObjectOutputs. The first is simple enough:

routeInput :: gi -> ObjectMap sf -> ObjectMap (ObjectInput, sf)
routeInput gi om@(ObjectMap objs msgs) = om
  { om_objects = flip Data.Map.mapWithKey objs $ \name (_, sf) ->
      (, sf) $ ObjectInput
        { oi_inbox    = fromMaybe mempty $ Data.MonoidalMap.lookup name msgs
        , oi_me       = name
        , oi_everyone = fmap fst objs

Writing decodeOutput is a little more work—we need to accumulate every change that ObjectOutput might want to enact:

decodeOutput :: Name -> ObjectOutput -> Endo (ObjectMap Object)
decodeOutput from (ObjectOutput _ msgs cmds _) = mconcat
  [ flip foldMap msgs $ uncurry $ send from
  , flip foldMap cmds $ decodeCommand from

send :: Name -> Name -> Message -> Endo (ObjectMap Object)
send from to msg
  = Endo $ #om_messages <>~ Data.MonoidalMap.singleton to [(from, msg)]

decodeCommand :: Name -> Command -> Endo (ObjectMap Object)
decodeCommand _ (Spawn name st obj)
  = Endo $ #om_objects . at name ?~ (st, obj)
decodeCommand who Die
  = Endo $ #om_objects %~ Data.Map.delete who

There’s quite a lot going on here. Rather than dealing with ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object directly, we instead work with Endo (ObjectMap Object) which gives us a nice monoid for combining endomorphisms. Then by exploiting mconcat and foldMap, we can split up all of the work of building the total transformation into pieces. Then send handles sending a message from one object to another, while also decodeCommand transforms each Command into an endomap.

We can tie everything together:

    :: ObjectMap Object
    -> SF gi (ObjectMap ObjectOutput)
router objs =
  pSwitch @ObjectMap
          @(ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object)
    (arr $ Event
         . appEndo
         . foldMap (uncurry decodeOutput)
         . Data.Map.assocs
         . om_objects
         . snd
    (\om f -> router' $ (f om) { om_messages = mempty })

Notice that we’ve again done the monoid trick to run decodeOutput on every output in the ObjectMap. If you’re not already on the monoid bandwagon, hopefully this point will help to change your mind about that!

So our router is finally done! Except not quite. For some reason I don’t understand, pSwitch is capable of immediately switching if the Event you generate for decodeOutput immediately fires. This makes sense, but means Yampa will happily get itself into an infinite loop. The solution is to delay the event by an infinitesimal amount:

    :: ObjectMap Object
    -> SF gi (ObjectMap ObjectOutput)
router objs =
  pSwitch @ObjectMap
          @(ObjectMap Object -> ObjectMap Object)
    ((arr $ Event
         . appEndo
         . foldMap (uncurry decodeOutput)
         . Data.Map.assocs
         . om_objects
         . snd
         ) >>> notYet)
    (\om f -> router' $ (f om) { om_messages = mempty })

There’s probably a more elegant solution to this problem, and if you know it, please do get in touch!

Wrapping Up

Today we saw how to use the pSwitch combinator in order to build a router capable of managing independent objects, implementing message passing between them in the process.

You should now have enough knowledge of Yampa to get real tasks done, although if I’m feeling inspired, I might write one more post on integrating a Yampa stream into your main function, and doing all the annoying boilerplate like setting up a game window. Maybe! Watch this space for updates!