FRP in Yampa: Part 3: Switching

FRP, yampa, haskell, technical, programming, gamedev

Yesterday we looked at arrowized FRP in Yampa, and saw how it the proc notation is to arrows as do is for monads. While these syntaxes don’t give you any new power, notation nevertheless matters and helps us better structure our programs.

So far all of our programs have consisted of a single signal function. We’ve sketched out how to build a lobotomized version of the Snake game, but real games have things like title screens and option menus as well as the actual gameplay component. If you were determined, you could probably figure out how to build these missing components with what we’ve seen so far, but it wouldn’t be fun.

Instead, we turn our attention to switches.


Yampa’s SF type isn’t monadic, but the switch combinator gets you surprisingly close:

switch :: SF i (o, Event e) -> (e -> SF i o) -> SF i o

The idea is that you run the first SF until the outputted Event produces an event, at which point you take its value and use it to generate a new SF, which you subsequently run.

As an example, let’s build a little coproduct type for the choices we might make on the menu screen:

data MenuOption = Start | Options

Our menu screen is now an SF that outputs the things we’d like to draw on the screen (a Render), as well as an Event MenuOption corresponding to an event for when we actually make a selection:

menuScreen :: SF () (Render, Event MenuOption)
menuScreen = ...

As before, we have our main Snake game, and now a new screen for the options:

mainGame :: SF () Render
mainGame = ...

optionsScreen :: SF () Render
optionsScreen = ...

We can tie it all together by switching from menuScreen to the appropriate next SF:

program :: SF () Render
program = switch menuScreen $ \case
  Start   -> mainGame
  Options -> optionsScreen

Again, you can kind of squint to get the picture, but things get a little gnarlier when you actually get into the gritty details here. For example, in a real game, you might go back to the menu screen after the game ends, and you’d certainly go back after setting up the appropriate options. If we wanted to encode those rules, we’d need to fiddle with some types.

Let’s add Event ()s to mainGame and optionScreen, corresponding to when the player has died and when the options have been set, respectively:

mainGame :: SF () (Render, Event ())
optionsScreen :: SF () (Render, Event ())

With a creative amount of switching, it’s possible to encode everything we’d like:

program :: SF () Render
program = switch menuScreen $ \case
  Start   -> switch mainGame      $ const program
  Options -> switch optionsScreen $ const program

Of course, we can use switch for much more than just modeling state machines—the following example uses it as a combinator to do something for a while:

timed :: Time -> SF i o -> SF i o
timed dur s1 s2 =
    (proc i -> do
      o  <- s1 -< i
      ev <- after dur () -< ()
      returnA -< (o, ev)
    ) $ const s2

or, more interestingly, a combinator which interpolates a function:

interpolate :: Time -> (Time -> a) -> SF (i, a) o -> SF i o -> SF i o
interpolate dur f interp final =
    (proc i -> do
      t  <- time -< ()
      o  <- s1 -< (i, t / dur)
      ev <- after dur () -< ()
      returnA -< (o, ev)
    ) $ const final

The parameter f here will be called with values of time from 0 to 1, linearly increasing until dur. This is the sort of combinator that is extremely useful for animating objects, where you’d like to tween from a known starting point to a know ending point.

Making a Real Monad

Most of what I know about Yampa I learned by reverse-engineering Alex Stuart’s excellent game Peoplemon (source here). As you might expect, it’s a fun parody on Pokemon.

One night while desperately trying to work out how he programmed up the menu-based battle system in Peoplemon, I came across the mysteriously named Lightarrow.hs, which makes the following improvement over the switching technique above.

He sticks the whole thing into the Cont monad:

newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r }

I think this is the first and only time I’ve seen a use for Cont in the wild, that doesn’t stem directly from trying to CPS everything in order to make your program go faster from fusion. It’s so COOL to see a real world opportunity to throw Cont at a problem!

Anyway. This type is known as Swont, which I’ve always assumed was something like “signal continuation” but your guess is as good as mine:

newtype Swont i o a = Swont { unSwont :: Cont (SF i o) a }
  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

We can lift any SF i (b, Event c) into a Swont via swont:

swont :: SF i (o, Event e) -> Swont i o e
swont = Swont . cont . switch

and we can lower the whole thing again by way of switchSwont:

switchSwont :: Swont i o e -> (e -> SF i o) -> SF i o
switchSwont sw end = runCont (unSwont sw) end

What’s really nice about Swont is that it is a genuine, bona-fide monad. This gives us a really lovely notation for programming sequential things like state machines or battle animations—stuff that consists of needing to switch between disparate things with discrete reasons to change.

We can use Swont to encode our above state machine in a much more familiar way:

foreverSwont :: Swont i o e -> SF i o
foreverSwont sw = switchSwont (forever sw) $ error "impossible"

program :: SF () Render
program = foreverSwont $ do
  menuScreen >>= \case
    Start   -> mainGame
    Options -> optionsScreen

Not bad at all!

Wrapping Up

Today we looked at Yampa’s switch combinator, seen how it can be used to string disparate signals together, and seen how wrapping the whole thing in a continuation monad can make the whole thing tolerable to work with.

In tomorrow’s post, we’ll look at writing object routers in Yampa—essentially, the main data structure for tracking lots of game objects, and allowing them to communicate with one another. Until then, I hope you’re having a very special Christmas weekend.