Polysemy: Chasing Performance in Free Monads


Chasing Performance in Free Monads

  • Sandy Maguire

  • sandy@sandymaguire.me

  • reasonablypolymorphic.com

  • github.com/isovector

Today’s slides:

  • reasonablypolymorphic.com/polysemy-talk

Our codebase was written by contractors.

Big ball o’ IO spaghetti.

Impossible to test.

Free monads are what I think programming will look like in 30 years.

Write your applications in domain specific language designed for your exact problem.

Run a series of transformations to compile your high-level specification into lower-level DSLs.

Most programs are easy to describe.

The majority of a codebase is spent dealing with nitty-gritty details.

This is where most of the bugs are.

Let’s turn implementation details into library code!


Data ingestion service that:

  • reads encrypted CSV files
  • emits them in batches to a streaming HTTP service
  • records statistics in Redis

    :: ( Member (Input Record) r
       , Member (Output Record) r
       , Member (Output Stat) r
    => Eff r ()
ingest = input >>= \case
  Nothing     -> pure ()
  Just record -> do
    output record
    output ProcessedRecordStat

main = ingest

Open Effects:

{ Input Record, Output Record, Output Stat }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"

Open Effects:

{ FileProvider, Output Record, Output Stat }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider

Open Effects:

{ FileProvider, Output Record, Output Stat, Encryption }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider

Open Effects:

{ FTP, Output Record, Output Stat, Encryption }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500

Open Effects:

{ FTP, Output [Record], Output Stat, Encryption }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall

Open Effects:

{ FTP, HTTP, Output Stat, Encryption }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey

Open Effects:

{FTP, HTTP, Encryption, Redis}

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey
     & runEncryption

Open Effects:

{ FTP, HTTP, Redis}

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey
     & runEncryption
     & runHTTP

Open Effects:

{ FTP, Redis }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey
     & runEncryption
     & runHTTP
     & runFTP

Open Effects:

{ Redis }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey
     & runEncryption
     & runHTTP
     & runFTP
     & runRedis

Open Effects:

{ }

main = ingest
     & csvInput "file.csv"
     & decryptFileProvider
     & ftpFileProvider
     & batch      @Record 500
     & postOutput @Record mkApiCall
     & redisOuput @Stat   mkRedisKey
     & runEncryption
     & runHTTP
     & runFTP
     & runRedis
     & runM

But maybe we want to test this without a million mocked services?

test :: ([Stat], ([Record], ()))
test = ingest
     & runInput [record1, record2]
     & runPureOuput @Recor
     & runPureOuput @Stat
     & run

If both a test and real interpreter are correct,

And the program is correct under the test,

Then the program is correct under the real interpreter!

Correctness composes!

Two major players in the free monad space:


  • No boilerplate!
  • Friendly to use!
  • 35x slower than theoretically possible.
  • Incapable of expressing lots of desirable effects.


  • Not very friendly.
  • As fast as possible!
  • All effects are expressible!

Neither of these is a good trade-off!

My new library:


  • No boilerplate!
  • Friendly to use!
  • As fast as possible!
  • All effects are expressible!

The best of both worlds!

We’ll discuss how this was possible!

But first, let’s get you up to speed on naive free monads.

data Teletype k
  = Done k
  | WriteLine String (Teletype k)
  | ReadLine (String -> Teletype k)

echo :: Teletype ()
echo = ReadLine $ \msg ->
       WriteLine msg
     $ Done ()
instance Monad Teletype where
  return = Done
  Done          k >>= f = f k
  WriteLine msg k >>= f = WriteLine msg $ k >>= f
  ReadLine      k >>= f = ReadLine $ \str -> k str >>= f

Because it’s a monad, we can write this more idiomatically.

echo :: Teletype ()
echo = do
  msg <- ReadLine Done
  WriteLine msg $ Done ()

… and define evaluation semantics for it.

runTeletypeInIO :: Teletype a -> IO a
runTeletypeInIO (Done a) = pure a
runTeletypeInIO (WriteLine msg k) = do
  putStrLn msg
  runTeletypeInIO k
runTeletypeInIO (ReadLine k) =  do
  msg <- getLine
  runTeletypeInIO $ k msg

runTeletypePurely :: [String] -> Teletype a -> ([String], a)
runTeletypePurely _ (Done a) = ([], a)
runTeletypePurely ls (WriteLine msg k) =
  let (rs, a) = runTeletypePurely ls k
   in (msg : rs, a)
runTeletypePurely []       (ReadLine k) =
  runTeletypePurely [] $ k ""
runTeletypePurely (l : ls) (ReadLine k) =
  runTeletypePurely ls $ k l

data Teletype k
  = Done k
  | WriteLine String (Teletype k)
  | ReadLine (String -> Teletype k)

The Done constructor and the recursion are only necessary to make this a Monad.

We can factor them out.


data Teletype k
  = Done k
  | WriteLine String (Teletype k)
  | ReadLine (String -> Teletype k)


data Free f k
  = Pure k
  | Impure (f (Free f k))

data Teletype a
  = WriteLine String a
  | ReadLine (String -> a)

Free f is a Monad whenever f is a Functor!

instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
  return = Pure
  Pure k   >>= f = f k
  Impure z >>= f = Impure $ fmap (\x -> x >>= f) z

Let’s write some helper functions:

writeLine :: String -> Free Teletype ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()

readLine :: Free Teletype String
readLine = Impure $ ReadLine pure

echo is no longer conspicuous:

echo :: Free Teletype ()
echo = do
  msg <- readLine
  writeLine msg

We can also factor out the evaluation plumbing:

    :: Monad m
    => (∀ x. f x -> m x)
    -> Free f a
    -> m a
runFree _ (Pure a)  = pure a
runFree f (Impure k) = f k >>= runFree f

Less boilerplate in our interpretation:

runTeletypeInIO :: Free Teletype a -> IO a
runTeletypeInIO = runFree $ \case
  WriteLine msg k -> do
    putStrLn msg
    pure k
  ReadLine k -> do
    msg <- getLine
    pure $ k msg

Combining Multiple Effects

data Bell k
  = RingBell k
  deriving Functor
data Sum f g a
  = L (f a)
  | R (g a)

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Sum f g)
type TeletypeWithBell = Sum Teletype Bell


writeLine :: String -> Free Teletype ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()


writeLine :: String -> Free TeletypeWithBell ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ L $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()

ringBell :: Free TeletypeWithBell ()
ringBell = Impure $ R $ RingBell $ pure ()

We can interleave actions from both effects.

ringItSingIt :: Free TeletypeWithBell ()
ringItSingIt = do
  msg <- readLine
  when (msg == "ring the bell!") ringBell

    :: Monad m
    => (forall x. f x -> m x)
    -> (forall x. g x -> m x)
    -> Sum f g a
    -> m a
interpret hf _ (L mf) = hf mf
interpret _ hg (R mg) = hg mg

We can nest effects as deeply as we want inside of Sum!

Effects a la Carte

data Union r a

For example:

Union '[Bell, Teletype, State Bool, Error InvalidArgument] a

Union r is a Functor iff every type inside of r is.

We can get in and out of a Union.

class Member f r where
  inj  :: f a       -> Union r a
  proj :: Union r a -> Maybe (f a)


writeLine :: String -> Free TeletypeWithBell ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ L $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()


writeLine :: Member Teletype r => String -> Free (Union r) ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ inj $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()

Now we are polymorphic in our capabilities.

This is where freer-simple and fused-effects start to differ.

freer-simple diverges to get rid of the boilerplate.

fused-effects diverges to get more speed and expressiveness.

Unfortunately, it’s unclear how to merge the two differences.

How Does freer-simple eliminate the boilerplate?

Insight: because we can’t embed our effects, we can just keep them in a queue.

Rather than:

echo = ReadLine $ \msg ->
       WriteLine msg
     $ Done ()

we can just write

echo = [ReadLine, WriteLine]

(plus a little magic to thread the output of ReadLine to the input of WriteLine)

With this encoding, we no longer need to have continuations in our effects.


data Teletype a
  = WriteLine String a
  | ReadLine (String -> a)


data Teletype a where
  WriteLine :: String -> Teletype ()
  ReadLine  :: Teletype String

Doesn’t require Functor instances

Exactly parallels the types of the actions

This is a great change, and is \(O(n)\) faster than the naive encoding!

Unfortunately it has extremely high constant factors, due to needing to allocate the intermediary queue of actions.

Too Fast, Too Free

Two months ago, Li-Yao Xia:

I bet if you used the final encoding of Freer, it would be much faster.

newtype Freer r a = Freer
  { runFreer
        :: ∀ m
         . Monad m
        => (∀ x. Union r x -> m x)
        -> m a

What the heck is this thing??

Free is uniquely determined by its interpretation function:

    :: Monad m
    => (∀ x. f x -> m x)
    -> Free f a
    -> m a

We can reshuffle the Free argument first, and use this function as our definition of Freer.


    :: Free (Union r) a
    -> ∀ m
     . Monad m
    => (∀ x. Union r x -> m x)
    -> m a

Put a newtype constructor around it:

newtype Freer r a = Freer
  { runFreer
        :: ∀ m
         . Monad m
        => (∀ x. Union r x -> m x)
        -> m a

It took me a few days to work through the implications of this encoding.

To my surprise, it improved the constant factors of freer-simple by 35x.

But why?

Consider the humble ReaderT:

newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT
  { runReaderT :: r -> m a

ReaderT lets you read a single, constant value of type r.

It is a zero-cost abstraction.

Anything look familiar?

    :: Monad m
    => ReaderT r m a
    -> r
    -> m a
    :: Monad m
    => Freer r a
    => (∀ x. Union r x -> m x)
    -> m a

Freer is just ReaderT in disguise!

The proof:

instance Monad (Freer f) where
  return a = Freer $ \nt -> pure a
  m >>= f  = Freer $ \nt -> do
    a <- runFreer m nt
    runFreer (f a) nt

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ReaderT r m) where
  return a = ReaderT $ \r -> pure a
  m >>= f  = ReaderT $ \r -> do
    a <- runReaderT m r
    runReaderT (f a) r

Identical Monad instances!

We can use the natural transformation to make effects zero cost.

liftFreer :: Member f r => f a -> Freer r a
liftFreer fa = Freer $ \nt -> nt $ inj fa


writeLine' :: Member Teletype r => String -> Freer r ()
writeLine' msg = liftFreer $ WriteLine msg

What the heck is going on?

Now any time our free monad wants to use an action, it immediately runs it in the final monad.

Even freer freer monads

echo :: Member Teletype r => Freer r ()
echo = do
  msg <- readLine
  writeLine msg

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = runFreer runTeletypeInIO echo

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = runFreer runTeletypeInIO echo

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = runFreer runTeletypeInIO $ do
  msg <- readLine
  writeLine msg

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = runFreer runTeletypeInIO $ do
  msg <- liftFreer ReadLine
  liftFreer $ WriteLine msg

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = runFreer runTeletypeInIO $ do
  msg <- Freer $ \nt -> nt ReadLine
  Freer $ \nt -> nt $ WriteLine msg

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = do
  msg <- runTeletypeInIO ReadLine
  runTeletypeInIO $ WriteLine msg

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = do
  msg <- case ReadLine of
           ReadLine    -> getLine
           WriteLine s -> putStrLn s
  case WriteLine msg of
    ReadLine    -> getLine
    WriteLine s -> putStrLn s

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = do
  msg <- case ReadLine of
           ReadLine    -> getLine
           -- WriteLine s -> putStrLn msg
  case WriteLine msg of
    -- ReadLine    -> getLine
    WriteLine s -> putStrLn s

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = do
  msg <- case ReadLine of
           ReadLine -> getLine
  case WriteLine msg of
    WriteLine s -> putStrLn s

echoIO :: IO ()
echoIO = do
  msg <- getLine
  putStrLn msg

So free!

We’ve now shown how to solve the boilerplate and performance problems.

Lets rewind and look at the changes fused-effects makes.

Down the other trouser (where we left off)

data Free r k
  = Pure k
  | Impure (Union r (Free r k))

data Teletype a
  = WriteLine String a
  | ReadLine (String -> a)
  deriving Functor

writeLine :: Member Teletype r => String -> Free r ()
writeLine msg = Impure $ inj $ WriteLine msg $ pure ()

An effect we’d like, but can’t have:

    :: Member (Error e) r
    => e
    -> Free r a

    :: Member (Error e) r
    => Free r a
    -> (e -> Free r a)
    -> Free r a

catch contains an embedded Free.

What we’d like:

data Error e k
  = Throw e
  | ∀ x. Catch (???)
               (e -> ???)
               (x -> k)


data Error e r k
  = Throw e
  | ∀ x. Catch (Free r x)
               (e -> Free r x)
               (x -> k)


Unfortunately this type cannot be embedded inside a Union :(


data Error e m k
  = Throw e
  | ∀ x. Catch (m x)
               (e -> m x)
               (x -> k)

Just force m to be Free r:

data Free r a
  = Pure a
  | Impure (Union r (Free r) a)

liftFree :: Member f r => f (Free r) (Free r a) -> Free r a

Effects don’t need to use m if they don’t want to.

data State s m k
  = Get (s -> k)
  | Put s k

The Problem

How do State and Error interact?

How can we thread state changes through a Catch action?

The Solution: Functors!

What is a functor, really?

Just a value in some sort of context.

In particular, a value of f () is only a context!

We can abuse this fact, and wrap up the state of the world as some functor.

class Effect e where
  weave :: Functor tk
        => tk ()
        -> (∀ x. tk (m x) -> n (tk x))
        -> e m a
        -> e n (tk a)
  • tk () is the state of the world when the effect starts

  • (∀ x. tk (m x) -> n (tk x)) is a distribution law for describing how to run effects in a context.

weave allows an effect to have other effects “pushed through it.”

Weaving through Error:

instance Effect (Error e) where
  weave _ _ (Throw e) = Throw e
  weave tk distrib (Catch try handle k) =
    Catch (distrib $ try <$ tk)
          (\e -> distrib $ handle e <$ tk)
          (fmap k)

The “ice-cream cone” operator replaces the contents of a Functor:

(<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a

The State effect needs to push its state through other effects’ subcomputations.

It can call weave to do this.

runState :: s -> Free (State s ': r) a -> Free r (s, a)
runState s (Pure a) = pure (s, a)
runState s (Impure u) =
  case decomp u of
    Left other -> Impure $
      weave (s, ())
            (\(s', m) -> runState s' m)
    Right (Get k)    -> pure (s,  k s)
    Right (Put s' k) -> pure (s', k)

decomp can extract a single effect out of a Union; or prove that it was never there to begin with.

    :: Union (e ': r) m a
    -> Either (Union r m a) (e m a)

Surprisingly, this thing works!

But it’s slow.

Because runState is recursive, GHC won’t perform any optimizations on it :(

We can “break the recursion” by hand.

runState :: s -> Free (State s ': r) a -> Free r (s, a)
runState s (Pure a) = pure (s, a)
runState s (Impure u) =
  case decomp u of
    Left other -> Impure $
      weave (s, ())
            (\(s, m) -> runState_b s m)
    Right (Get k)    -> pure (s,  k s)
    Right (Put s k) -> pure (s, k)
{-# INLINE runState #-}
runState_b :: s -> Free (State s ': r) a -> Free r (s, a)
runState_b = runState
{-# NOINLINE runState_b #-}

Now GHC is happy and will make our program fast!

Lots of the boilerplate in fused-effects comes from needing to write Effect instances.

But these instances are necessary for higher-order effects!

Are we cursed to always have this boilerplate?


data Yo e m a where
  Yo :: Functor tk
     => e m a
     -> tk ()
     -> (forall x. tk (m x) -> n (tk x))
     -> (tk a -> b)
     -> Yo e n b

Yo is the free Effect!

instance Effect (Yo e) where
  weave tk' distrib' (Yo e tk distrib f) =
    Yo e (Compose $ tk <$ tk')
         (fmap Compose . distrib' . fmap distrib . getCompose)
         (fmap f . getCompose)

And we can get into a Yo by using an Identity functor as our initial state.

liftYo :: Functor m => e m a -> Yo e m a
liftYo e = Yo e (Identity ())
                (fmap Identity . runIdentity)

Somewhat amazingly, this works!

But all it means is we’ve delayed giving a meaning for Effect until we need to interpret it.

A problem:

The type of runFree doesn’t allow us to change the return type.

    :: ∀ m. Monad m
    => Free r a
    -> (∀ x. Union r (Free r) x -> m x)
    -> m a

It seems like maybe we could just stick a functor in here.

    :: ∀ m tk. (Monad m, Functor tk)
    => Free r a
    -> (∀ x. Union r (Freer r) x -> m (tk x))
    -> m (tk a)

Unfortunately this is no longer a Monad!

Recall that we’re allowed to pick any Monad for the result of runFree.

Instead of evaluating to the final monad m

Just transform it into StateT s m and immediately evaluate that!

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S

    :: s
    -> Free (e ': r) a
    -> Free r (s, a)
runState s (Free m) = Free $ \nt ->
  S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
    case decomp u of
      Left x -> S.StateT $ \s' ->
        nt . weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ runState f)
           $ x
      Right (Yo Get _ f)      -> fmap f $ S.get
      Right (Yo (Put s') _ f) -> fmap f $ S.put s'

We’ve solved all of the problems! We now have solutions for

  • performance
  • expressiveness
  • boilerplate

all of which work together!

But what we’ve built isn’t yet a joyful experience.

In particular, dealing with Yo is painful.

We can clean up the mess of writing effect handlers…

…with an effect-handler effect!

Instead of this:

instance Effect (Error e) where
  weave _ _ (Throw e) = Throw e
  weave tk distrib (Catch try handle k) =
    Catch (distrib $ try <$ tk)
          (\e -> distrib $ handle e <$ tk)
          (fmap k)

We can just write this:

runError = interpretH $ \case
  Catch try handle -> do
    t <- runT try
    tried <- runError t
    case tried of
      Right a -> pure $ Right a
      Left e -> do
        h <- bindT handle
        handled <- h e
        case handled of
          Right a -> pure $ Right a
          Left e2 -> pure $ Left e2

The magic is in runT and bindT.

These combinators come from the Tactics effect:

data Tactics tk n r m a where
  GetInitialState     :: Tactics tk n r m (tk ())
  HoistInterpretation :: (a -> n b)
                      -> Tactics tk n r m (tk a -> Free r (tk b))
  • GetInitialState is the tk () parameter
  • HoistInterpretation is the distribution law

type WithTactics e tk m r = Tactics tk m (e ': r) ': r
   :: a
   -> Free (WithTactics e tk m r) (tk a)
    :: m a
    -> Free (WithTactics e tk m r)
                (Free (e ': r) (tk a))
    :: (a -> m b)
    -> Free (WithTactics e tk m r)
                (tk a -> Free (e ': r) (tk b))

This is where we stop.

We’ve now simultaneously solved the boilerplate and performance problems, as well as put a friendly UX around the whole thing.

I’d like to leave you with a comparison.

First, the implementation of bracket in fused-effects:

data Resource m k
  = forall resource any output.
      Resource (m resource)
               (resource -> m any)
               (resource -> m output)
               (output -> k)

deriving instance Functor (Resource m)

instance HFunctor Resource where
  hmap f (Resource acquire release use k) =
    Resource (f acquire) (f . release) (f . use) k

instance Effect Resource where
  handle state handler (Resource acquire release use k)
    = Resource (handler (acquire <$ state))
               (handler . fmap release)
               (handler . fmap use)
               (handler . fmap k)

bracket :: (Member Resource sig, Carrier sig m)
        => m resource
        -> (resource -> m any)
        -> (resource -> m a)
        -> m a
bracket acquire release use =
  send (Resource acquire release use pure)

runResource :: (forall x . m x -> IO x)
            -> ResourceC m a
            -> m a
runResource handler = runReader (Handler handler) . runResourceC

newtype ResourceC m a = ResourceC
  { runResourceC :: ReaderC (Handler m) m a
  deriving ( Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadFail, MonadIO, MonadPlus)

instance MonadTrans ResourceC where
  lift = ResourceC . lift

newtype Handler m = Handler (forall x . m x -> IO x)

runHandler :: Handler m -> ResourceC m a -> IO a
runHandler h@(Handler handler) = handler . runReader h . runResourceC

instance (Carrier sig m, MonadIO m) =>
      Carrier (Resource :+: sig) (ResourceC m) where
  eff (L (Resource acquire release use k)) = do
    handler <- ResourceC ask
    a <- liftIO (Exc.bracket
      (runHandler handler acquire)
      (runHandler handler . release)
      (runHandler handler . use))
    k a
  eff (R other) = ResourceC (eff (R (handleCoercible other)))

Compare to polysemy:

data Resource m a where
  Bracket :: m a -> (a -> m ()) -> (a -> m b) -> Resource m b

makeSemantic ''Resource

    :: Member (Lift IO) r
    => (∀ x. Semantic r x -> IO x)
    -> Semantic (Resource ': r) a
    -> Semantic r a
runResource finish = interpretH $ \case
  Bracket alloc dealloc use -> do
    a <- runT  alloc
    d <- bindT dealloc
    u <- bindT use

    let runIt = finish .@ runResource
    sendM $ X.bracket (runIt a) (runIt . d) (runIt . u)


My girlfriend Virginie for putting up with me talking about free monads for two months.

Li-Yao Xia for showing me the final encoding of Freer.

Rob Rix for sitting down with me and explaining how the heck fused-effects is so fast.

Thanks for listening!
