Review: Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

review, mcbride, recursion schemes, types

Another week, another paper. This week it’s McBride’s Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right (CJ). At a high level, CJ generalizes the results from The Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Contexts, wondering about what happens to a zipper when we don’t require the elements on either side to have the same type. This turns out to be not just an idle curiosity; the technique can be used to automatically turn a catamorphism into a tail-recursive function. Why is THAT useful? It lets us run functional programs on stock hardware.

The paper begins by reminding us that all algebraic types can be built out of compositions of functors. Furthermore, any recursive ADT can be represented as the fix-point of its base functor. For example, rather than writing

data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr

we can instead pull the recursive inlining of Expr out into a type argument:

data ExprF a = ValF Int | AddF a a

and then can tie the knot:

newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }

type Expr ~= Fix ExprF

This is all standard bananas and barbed wires, machinery, so refer to that if you’d like a deeper presentation than I’ve provided here.

Rather than go through the paper’s presentation of this section, I will merely point out that GHC.Generics witnesses the “all ADTs can be built out of functor composition,” and give ExprF a Generic1 instance:

data ExprF a = ValF Int | AddF a a
  deriving stock (Functor, Generic1)

Clowns and Jokers

The title of CJ is a throw-back to some boomer song, whose lyrics go

Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you.

while this is an apt idea for what’s going on in the paper, it’s also an awful mnemonic for those of us who don’t have strong associations with the song. My mnemonic is that “clowns” come sooner in a lexicographical ordering than “jokers” do. Likewise, work you’ve already done comes before work you haven’t yet done, which is really what CJ is about.

So here’s the core idea of CJ: we can “dissect” a traversal into work we’ve already done, and work we haven’t yet done. The work we’ve already done can have a different type than the stuff left to do. These dissections are a rather natural way of representing a suspended computation. Along with the dissection itself is the ability to make progress. A dissection is spiritually a zipper with different types on either side, so we can make progress by transforming the focused element from “to-do” to “done”, and then focusing on the next element left undone.

CJ implements all of this as a typeclass with fundeps, but I prefer type families. And furthermore, since this is all generic anyway, why not implement it over GHC.Generics? So the game here is thus to compute the type of the dissection for each of the Generic1 constructors.

Begin by building the associated type family. The dissected version of a functor is necessarily a bifunctor, since we want slots to store our clowns and our jokers:

class GDissectable p where
  type GDissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type

As usual, we lift GDissectable over M1:

instance GDissectable f => GDissectable (M1 _1 _2 f) where
  type GDissected (M1 _1 _2 f) = GDissected f

Because a dissection is a separation of the work we have and haven’t done yet, the cases for U1 and K1 are uninspired — there is no work to do, since they’re constants!

instance GDissectable U1 where
  type GDissected U1 = K2 Void

instance GDissectable (K1 _1 a) where
  type GDissected (K1 _1 a) = K2 Void

where K2 is the constant bifunctor:

data K2 a x y = K2 a

A different way to think about these dissections is as generalized zippers, which are the derivatives of their underlying types. Since U1 and K1 are constants, their derivatives are zero, which we have shown here via K2 Void.

The Par1 generic constructor is used to encode usages of the functor’s type parameter. Under the view of the derivative, this is a linear use of the variable, and thus its derivative is one:

instance GDissectable Par1 where
  type GDissected Par1 = K2 ()

We’re left with sums and products. Sums are easy enough: the dissection of the sum is the sum of the dissections.

instance (GDissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :+: g) where
  type GDissected (f :+: g) = Sum2 (GDissected f) (GDissected g)


data Sum2 f g a b = L2 (f a b) | R2 (g a b)

Again, this aligns with our notion of the derivative, as well as with our intuition. If I want to suspend a coproduct computation half way, I either have an L1 I need to suspend, or I have an R1. Nifty.

Finally we come to products:

instance (GDissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :*: g) where
  type GDissected (f :*: g) =
    Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
         (Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g))


data Clown p a b = Clown (p a)
data Joker p a b = Joker (p b)
data Product2 f g a b = Product2 (f a b) (g a b)

Let’s reason by intuition here first. I have both an f and a g stuck together. If I’d like to suspend a traversal through this thing, either I am suspended in the f, with g not yet touched (Joker g), or I have made it through the f entirely (Clown f), and have suspended inside of g.

Rather unsurprisingly (but also surprisingly, depending on your point of view!), this corresponds exactly to the quotient chain rule:

\[ \frac{d}{dx}[f(x)\cdot{}g(x)] = f(x)\cdot{}g'(x) + f'(x)\cdot{}g(x) \]

Curry-Howard strikes in the most interesting of places!

Getting Started

With our dissected types defined, it’s now time to put them to use. The paper jumbles a bunch of disparate pieces together, but I’m going to split them up for my personal understanding. The first thing we’d like to be able to do is to begin traversing a structure, which is to say, to split it into its first joker and the resulting dissection.

We’ll make a helper structure:

data Suspension p k c j
  = Done (p c)
  | More j (k c j)
  deriving Functor

A Suspension p k c j is either a p fully saturated with clowns (that is, we’ve finished traversing it), or a joker and more structure (k c j) to be traversed. k will always be GDissected p, but for technical reasons, we’re going to need to keep it as a second type parameter.

Armed with Suspension, we’re ready to add our first method to GDissectable. gstart takes a fully-saturated p j and gives us back a suspension:

class GDissectable p where
  type GDissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
  gstart :: p j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j

These instances are all pretty easy. Given a double natural transformation over Suspension:

    :: (forall x. p x -> p' x)
    -> (forall a b. k a b -> k' a b)
    -> Suspension p  k  c j
    -> Suspension p' k' c j
bihoist _ g (More j kcj) = More j (g kcj)
bihoist f _ (Done pc)    = Done (f pc)

Wingman can write U1, K1, Par1, M1 and :+: all for us:

  gstart _ = Done U1

  gstart (K1 a) = Done (K1 a)

  gstart (Par1 j) = More j (K2 ())

  gstart (M1 fj) = bihoist M1 id $ gstart fj

  gstart (L1 fj) = bihoist L1 L2 $ gstart fj
  gstart (R1 gj) = bihoist R1 R2 $ gstart gj

For products, gstart attempts to start the first element, and hoists its continuation if it got More. Otherwise, it starts the second element. This is done with a couple of helper functions:

    :: GDissectable g
    => Suspension f (GDissected f) c j
    -> g j
    -> Suspension (f :*: g)
                 (Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
                       (Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g)))
                 c j
mindp (More j pd) qj = More j $ L2 $ Product2 pd $ Joker qj
mindp (Done pc) qj = mindq pc (gstart qj)

    :: f c
    -> Suspension g (GDissected g) c j
    -> Suspension (f :*: g)
                 (Sum2 (Product2 (GDissected f) (Joker g))
                       (Product2 (Clown f) (GDissected g)))
                 c j
mindq pc (More j qd) = More j $ R2 $ Product2 (Clown pc) qd
mindq pc (Done qc) = Done (pc :*: qc)

and then

  gstart (pj :*: qj) = mindp (gstart @f pj) qj

Making Progress

Getting started is nice, but it’s only the first step in the process. Once we have a More suspension, how do we move the needle? Enter gproceed, which takes a clown to fill the current hole and a suspension, and gives back a new suspension corresponding to the next joker.

class GDissectable p where
  type GDissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
  gstart :: p j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j
  gproceed :: c -> GDissected p c j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j

By pumping gproceed, we can make our way through a suspension, transforming each joker into a clown. Eventually our suspension will be Done, at which point we’ve traversed the entire data structure.

For the most part, gproceed is also Wingman-easy:

  -- U1
  gproceed _ (K2 v) = absurd v

  -- K1
  gproceed _ (K2 v) = absurd v

  gproceed c _ = Done (Par1 c)

  gproceed fc = bihoist M1 id . gproceed fc

  gproceed c (L2 dis) = bihoist L1 L2 $ gproceed c dis
  gproceed c (R2 dis) = bihoist R1 R2 $ gproceed c dis

Products are again a little tricky. If we’re still working on the left half, we want to proceed through it, unless we finish, in which case we want to start on the right half. When the right half finishes, we need to lift that success all the way through the product. Our helper functions mindp and mindq take care of this:

  gproceed c (L2 (Product2 pd (Joker qj))) = mindp (gproceed @f c pd) qj
  gproceed c (R2 (Product2 (Clown pc) qd)) = mindq pc (gproceed @g c qd)

Plugging Holes

McBride points out that if we forget the distinction between jokers and clowns, what we have is a genuine zipper. In that case, we can just plug the existing hole, and give back a fully saturated type. This is witnessed by the final method of GDissectable, gplug:

class GDissectable p where
  type GDissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
  gstart :: p j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j
  gproceed :: c -> GDissected p c j -> Suspension p (GDissected p) c j
  gplug :: x -> GDissected p x x -> p x

Again, things are Wingman-easy. This time, we can even synthesize the product case for free:

  -- U1
  gplug _ (K2 vo) = absurd vo

  -- K1
  gplug _ (K2 vo) = absurd vo

  gplug x _ = Par1 x

  gplug x dis = M1 $ gplug x dis

  gplug x (L2 dis) = L1 (gplug x dis)
  gplug x (R2 dis) = R1 (gplug x dis)

  gplug x (L2 (Product2 f (Joker g))) = gplug x f :*: g
  gplug x (R2 (Product2 (Clown f) g)) = f :*: gplug x g

This sums up GDissectable.

Nongeneric Representations

GDissectable is great and all, but it would be nice to not need to deal with generic representations. This bit isn’t in the paper, but we can lift everything back into the land of real types by making a copy of GDissectable:

class (Functor p, Bifunctor (Dissected p)) => Dissectable p where
  type Dissected p :: Type -> Type -> Type
  start :: p j -> Suspension p (Dissected p) c j
  proceed :: c -> Dissected p c j -> Suspension p (Dissected p) c j
  plug :: x -> Dissected p x x -> p x

and then a little machinery to do -XDerivingVia:

newtype Generically p a = Generically { unGenerically :: p a }
  deriving Functor

instance ( Generic1 p
         , Functor p
         , Bifunctor (GDissected (Rep1 p))
         , GDissectable (Rep1 p)
    => Dissectable (Generically p) where
  type Dissected (Generically p) = GDissected (Rep1 p)
  start (Generically pj) =
    bihoist (Generically . to1) id $ gstart $ from1 pj
  proceed x = bihoist (Generically . to1) id . gproceed x
  plug x = Generically . to1 . gplug x

With this out of the way, we can now get Dissectable for free on ExprF from above:

data ExprF a = ValF Int | AddF a a
  deriving stock (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show)
  deriving Dissectable via (Generically ExprF)

Dissectable Fmap, Sequence and Catamorphisms

Given a Dissectable constraint, we can write a version of fmap that explicitly walks the traversal, transforming each element as it goes. Of course, this is silly, since we already have Functor for any Dissectable, but it’s a nice little sanity check:

tmap :: forall p a b. Dissectable p => (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
tmap fab = pump . start
    pump :: Suspension p (Dissected p) b a -> p b
    pump (More a dis) = pump $ proceed (fab a) dis
    pump (Done j) = j

We start the dissection, and then pump its suspension until we’re done, applying fab as we go.

Perhaps more interestingly, we can almost get Traversable with this machinery:

tsequence :: forall p f a. (Dissectable p, Monad f) => p (f a) -> f (p a)
tsequence = pump . start
    pump :: Suspension p (Dissected p) a (f a) -> f (p a)
    pump (More fa dis) = do
      a <- fa
      pump $ proceed a dis
    pump (Done pa) = pure pa

It’s not quite Traversable, since it requires a Monad instance instead of merely Applicative. Why’s that? I don’t know, but MonoidMusician suggested it’s because applicatives don’t care about the order in which you sequence them, but this Dissectable is very clearly an explicit ordering on the data dependencies in the container. Thanks MonoidMusician!

Finally, we can implement the stack-based, tail-recursive catamorphism that we’ve been promised all along. The idea is simple — we use the Dissected type as our stack, pushing them on as we unfold the functor fixpoint, and resuming them as we finish calls.

tcata :: forall p v. Dissectable p => (p v -> v) -> Fix p -> v
tcata f t = load' t []
        :: Fix p
        -> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
        -> v
    load' (Fix t) stk = next (start t) stk

        :: Suspension p (Dissected p) v (Fix p)
        -> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
        -> v
    next (More p dis) stk = load' p (dis : stk)
    next (Done p) stk = unload' (f p) stk

        :: v
        -> [Dissected p v (Fix p)]
        -> v
    unload' v [] = v
    unload' v (pd : stk) = next (proceed v pd) stk

Compare this with the usual implementation of cata:

cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f (Fix fc) = f $ fmap (cata f) fc

which just goes absolutely ham, expanding nodes and fmapping over them, destroying any chance at TCO.

The paper also has something to say about free monads, but it wasn’t able to hold my attention. It’s an application of this stuff, though in my opinion the approach is much more interesting than its applications. So we can pretend the paper is done here.

But that’s not all…

Functor Composition

Although the paper doesn’t present it, there should also be here another instance of GDissectable for functor composition. Based on the composite chain rule, it should be:

instance (Dissectable f, GDissectable g) => GDissectable (f :.: g) where
  type GDissected (f :.: g) =
    Product2 (Compose2 (Dissected f) g)
             (GDissected g)

newtype Compose2 f g c j = Compose2 (f (g c) (g j))

GDissected is clearly correct by the chain rule, but Compose2 isn’t as clear. We stick the clowns in the left side of the composite of f . g, and the jokers on the right.

Intuitively, we’ve done the same trick here as the stack machine example. The first element of the Product2 in GDissected keeps track of the context of the f traversal, and the second element is the g traversal we’re working our way through. Whenever the g finishes, we can get a new g by continuing the f traversal!

It’s important to note that I didn’t actually reason this out—I just wrote the chain rule from calculus and fought with everything until it typechecked. Then I rewrote my examples that used :+: and :*: to instead compose over Either and (,), and amazingly I got the same results! Proof by typechecker!

After a truly devoted amount of time, I managed to work out gstart for composition as well.

  gstart (Comp1 fg) =
    case start @f $ fg of
      More gj gd -> continue gj gd
      Done f -> Done $ Comp1 f
          :: g j
          -> Dissected f (g c) (g j)
          -> Suspension
               (f :.: g)
               (Product2 (Compose2 (Dissected f) g) (GDissected g))
               c j
      continue gj gd =
        case gstart gj of
          More j gd' ->
            More j $ Product2 (Compose2 gd) gd'
          Done g ->
            case progress @f g gd of
              More gj gd -> continue gj gd
              Done fg -> Done $ Comp1 fg

The idea is that you start f, which gives you a g to start, and you need to keep starting g until you find one that isn’t immediately done.

gproceed is similar, except dual. If all goes well, we can just proceed down the g we’re currently working on. The tricky part is now when we finish a g node, we need to keep proceeding down f nodes until we find one that admits a More:

  gproceed c (Product2 cfg@(Compose2 fg) gd) =
    case gproceed @g c gd of
      More j gd -> More j $ Product2 cfg gd
      Done gc -> finish gc
      -- finish
      --     :: g c
      --     -> Suspension
      --          (f :.: g)
      --          (Product2 (Compose2 (Dissected f) g) (GDissected g))
      --          c j
      finish gc =
        case proceed @f gc fg of
          More gj gd ->
            case gstart gj of
              More j gd' -> More j $ Product2 (Compose2 gd) gd'
              Done gc -> finish gc
          Done f -> Done $ Comp1 f

I’m particularly proud of this; not only did I get the type for GDissected right on my first try, I was also capable of working through these methods, which probably took upwards of two hours.

GHC.Generics isn’t so kind as to just let us test it, however. Due to some quirk of the representation, we need to add an instance for Rec1, which is like K1 but for types that use the functor argument. We can give an instance of GDissectable by transferring control back to Dissectable:

instance (Generic1 f, Dissectable f) => GDissectable (Rec1 f) where
  type GDissected (Rec1 f) = Dissected f
  gstart (Rec1 f) = bihoist Rec1 id $ start f
  gproceed c f = bihoist Rec1 id $ proceed c f
  gplug x gd = Rec1 $ plug x gd

Now, a little work to be able to express AddF as a composition, rather than a product:

data Pair a = Pair a a
  deriving (Functor, Show, Generic1)
  deriving Dissectable via (Generically Pair)

deriving via Generically (Either a) instance Dissectable (Either a)

and we can rewrite ExprF as a composition of functors:

data ExprF' a = ExprF (Either Int (Pair a))
  deriving stock (Functor, Generic, Generic1, Show)
  deriving Dissectable via (Generically ExprF')

pattern ValF' :: Int -> ExprF' a
pattern ValF' a = ExprF (Left a)

pattern AddF' :: a -> a -> ExprF' a
pattern AddF' a b = ExprF (Right (Pair a b))

Everything typechecks, and tcata gives us the same results for equivalent values over ExprF and ExprF'. As one final sanity check, we can compare the computer dissected types:

*> :kind! Dissected ExprF
Dissected ExprF :: * -> * -> *
= Sum2
    (K2 Void)
          (K2 ())
          (Joker Par1))
          (Clown Par1)
          (K2 ())))

*> :kind! Dissected ExprF'
Dissected ExprF' :: * -> * -> *
= Product2
    (Compose2 (Sum2 (K2 Void) (K2 ())) (Rec1 Pair))
          (K2 ())
          (Joker Par1))
          (Clown Par1)
          (K2 ())))

They’re not equal, but are they isomorphic? We should hope so! The first one is Sum2 0 x, which is clearly isomorphic to x. The second is harder:

Product (Compose2 (Sum2 (K2 Void) (K2 ())) (Rec1 Pair)) x

If that first argument to Product is 1, then these two types are isomorphic. So let’s see:

    Compose2 (Sum2 (K2 Void) (K2 ())) (Rec1 Pair)
= symbolic rewriting
    Compose2 (0 + 1) (Rec1 Pair)
= 0 is an identity for +
    Compose2 1 (Rec1 Pair)
= definition of Compose2
    K2 () (Rec1 Pair c) (Rec1 Pair j)
= K2 () is still 1

Look at that, baby. Isomorphic types, that compute the same answer.

As usual, today’s code is available on Github.