Review: Copatterns
Another week, another paper review. This week my plan was to look at the word2vec paper, but I made the mistake of not looking into it early in the week, and by the time I did, it was extremely underwhelming. So instead, we’re going to take a look at Abel, Pientka, Thibodeau and Setzer’s Copatterns: Programming Infinite Structures by Observations.
In this paper, Abel et al. present copatterns, the categorical duals of pattern matching. I’d briefly encountered copatterns when playing with Agda, but thought it was just a funny syntax for building records. I didn’t look much into it — instead being distracted by all the cool things I could do with dependent types.
The paper presents copatterns, gives some motivating examples, and then does a bunch of type theory stuff to prove they play nicely. Today I’m going to look only at the first two sections, omitting the type theory stuff. Not because I’m not interested, but because I’d like to find a nice introductory paper to type theory stuff, rather than try to hammer it through my thick skull at the same time as trying to figure out what Abel et al. are trying to show me. Note to self, that would be a good paper to tackle for next week.
So, what is a copattern? While patterns let us map out of inductive types, copatterns let us map into coinductive types. Right, ok, but what does that really mean? Pattern matching lets us branch on the way a piece of data was built. But dually, copattern matching lets us branch to define a piece of codata.
Some examples will help.
The paper: “one should distinguish between finite, inductive data defined by constructors and infinite, coinductive data which is better described by observations… one can declare codatatypes via a list of their destructors.”
It’s a little hard to see this for me, coming from Haskell where laziness lets us play very fast and loose in the differences between data and codata. But fundamentally, data is built inductively: by taking smaller pieces, and assembling them into something bigger. Thus, data is always finite.
Codata, however, is infinite, and accomplishes that by being built out of bigger pieces. The canonical example given to us is a Stream
record Stream (A : Set) : Set where
constructor _:>_
: A
head : Stream A tail
In order to build a Stream A
, you must already have one. There is no base case! That’s actually pretty wild, if you think about it!
Returning to the paper, we can think of Stream
s as being opaque objects, equipped with two observations:
: Stream A -> A
head : Stream A -> Stream A tail
and fact, any other observation on Stream
s “factors out” into at least one of these observations (by virtue of their being the definition of Stream
.) The paper gives an example of a stream producer that builds the stream N, N-1, N-2, ..., 0, N, N-1 ...
. Their presentation leaves a bit to be desired, so I’ve changed it a little here:
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats = ? cycleNats N x
where N
is the Nat
we’re counting down from, and x
is the Nat
we’re currently at. Here, we’d like to build a Stream
, and the idea of copatterns is that we can define a function by defining every observation over it:
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats .head (cycleNats N x) = ?
Stream.tail (cycleNats N x) = ? Stream
Take a moment to think about what’s going on here, because it’s fucking crazy if you’re coming from Haskell like I am. We are defining cycleNats
by giving two projections out of it! The head
projection is easy to fill in:
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats .head (cycleNats _ x) = x
Stream.tail (cycleNats N x) = ? Stream
but in the tail case, we want to wrap around from x = zero
back to x = N
. Thus, we can do a usual, everyday pattern match on x
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats .head (cycleNats _ x) = x
Stream.tail (cycleNats N zero) = ?
Stream.tail (cycleNats N (suc x)) = ? Stream
and can now give the tail
projections of cycleNats
in terms of cycleNats
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats .head (cycleNats _ x) = x
Stream.tail (cycleNats N zero) = cycleNats N N
Stream.tail (cycleNats N (suc x)) = cycleNats N x Stream
Amazingly, Agda accepts this program.
So what happened here? We defined a function that produces a coinductive type indirectly, by giving the projections out of the function. The copatterns build new function heads, in which we can do everyday pattern matching to help refine the cases further.
For the sake of comparison, I wanted to write cycleNats
without copatterns, just to get a sense for it:
: Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
cycleNats' = zero :> cycleNats' N N
cycleNats' N zero (suc x) = suc x :> cycleNats' N x cycleNats' N
For arcane reasons I don’t understand, I need to mark cycleNats'
(but it’s not) in order for Agda to let me do any reasoning over it.
Presented like this, the copattern version is definitely doing some work; it lets us factor out the shared logic for defining the head
. The copattern version doesn’t yet feel natural to me, but that might be a byproduct of having my brain stuck in Haskell land for the better part of a decade.
Lift Instances over Newtypes
We can write Monad
s in Agda:
record Monad (M : Set -> Set) : Set where
constructor is-monad
: {A : Set} -> A -> M A
pure _>>=_ : {A B : Set} -> M A -> (A -> M B) -> M B
and then define the State
: Set -> Set -> Set
State = S -> S × A
State S A
: {S : Set} -> Monad (State S)
Monad-State = s , a
pure Monad-State a s _>>=_ Monad-State ma f s =
let s' , a = ma s
in f a s'
where we have used a copattern to define the Monad
methods for Monad-State
. But, the paper says, what if we want to implement State
as a new type, rather than just a type alias? Fine:
record State' (S : Set) (A : Set) : Set where
constructor state
: S -> S × A runState
If we’d like now to give an instance of Monad
for State'
, the straight-forward way is to explicitly use the constructor to build a State'
: {S : Set} -> Monad (State' S)
Monad-State₁ = state λ s -> s , a
pure Monad-State₁ a _>>=_ Monad-State₁ ma f = state λ s ->
let s' , a = runState ma s
in runState (f a) s'
This is fine, but we’ve lost some symmetry with Monad-State
— namely, we can no longer bind s
on the left side of the equals sign, and we have this noisy state
thing everywhere.
Instead, the paper points out, we can use a copattern binding to define Monad
for State' S
. Not, mind you, a copattern to match on the monad methods, but a copattern to match on runState
inside of the monad methods:
: {S : Set} -> Monad (State' S)
Monad-State₂ (pure Monad-State₂ a) s = s , a
runState (_>>=_ Monad-State₂ ma f) s =
runState let s' , a = runState ma s
in runState (f a) s'
This is much nicer than Monad-State₁
! All of a sudden, state
is gone, we can match s
on the left side of the equals, and the whole thing looks a lot like runState
over the original (type-synonymed) version of Monad-State
What’s also interesting here is the composition of copatterns; we’re defining Monad
by giving it in terms of pure
and _>>=
, and then defining those by way of observing them via runState
. I hadn’t noticed or appreciated this the first time through the paper, so it seems like my review project is facilitating more learning than I would be doing otherwise.
Fibonacci Numbers
As another example, the authors show us how to construct the Fibonacci numbers. Consider the following definition, in Haskell:
: [Int]
fib = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib) fib
We can implement this too (but over Stream Nat
) with copatterns. But first, let’s define zipWith
: {A B C : Set} -> (A -> B -> C) -> Stream A -> Stream B -> Stream C
zipWith = ? zipWith f sa sb
I think I’m starting to get the hang of this, so I tried defining it via a copattern, and the result was actually quite delightful:
: {A B C : Set} -> (A -> B -> C) -> Stream A -> Stream B -> Stream C
zipWith (zipWith f sa sb) = f (head sa) (head sb)
head (zipWith f sa sb) = zipWith f (tail sa) (tail sb) tail
I really like how the copattern syntax makes clear the homomorpic nature of zipWith
We can now give a copattern definition for fib
, where we explicitly copattern match on the first two terms:
: Stream Nat
fib = zero
head fib (tail fib) = suc zero
head (tail fib) = zipWith _+_ fib (tail fib) tail
Again, notice the composition of copatterns here, in last two cases.
I’m not sure how I feel about this definition; maybe it’s clearer to the math guys, but this one is a little harder for me to wrap my head around.
The rest of the paper is type theory stuff. There are quite a lot of gammas and turnstiles, way more than I want to try tackling today. But nevertheless, Copatterns has given me a significantly better understanding of that “weird record syntax” I’d seen in Agda. I don’t yet love the copattern formulation of every example presented in the paper, but will admit that Monad-State₂
and zipWith
are particularly beautiful under copatterns.
As usual, the code is on Github.