Higher-Kinded Data

haskell, technical, programming, hkd

Today I want to demonstrate a “well-known” Haskell technique among library authors, that I haven’t ever seen written down. It allows you to do all sorts of amazing things, such as: generate lenses for arbitrary data-types without resorting to TemplateHaskell; sequence over data-types; and automatically track dependencies for usages of record fields.

As for this post, we’ll look at how to build type-level sequencing, and investigate some other uses in subsequent ones. For our examples, let’s define the following (completely arbitrary) data-type:

data Person = Person
  { pName :: String
  , pAge  :: Int
  } deriving (Generic)

That’s cool and all, I guess. For purposes of discussion, let’s imagine that we want to let the user fill in a Person via a web-form or something. Which is to say, it’s possible they’ll screw up filling in some piece of information without necessarily invalidating the rest of the datastructure. If they successfully filled in the entire structure, we’d like to get a Person out.

One way of modeling this would be with a second datatype:

data MaybePerson = MaybePerson
  { mpName :: Maybe String
  , mpAge  :: Maybe Int
  } deriving (Generic)

and a function:

validate :: MaybePerson -> Maybe Person
validate (MaybePerson name age) =
  Person <$> name <*> age

This works, but it’s annoying to write by hand, since it’s completely mechanical. Furthermore, having duplicated this effort means we’ll need to use our brains in the future to make sure all three definitions stay in sync. Wouldn’t it be cool if the compiler could help with this?

SURPRISE! IT CAN! And that’s what I want to talk about today.

Notice that we can describe both Person and MaybePerson with the following higher-kinded data (henceforth “HKD”) definition:

data Person' f = Person
  { pName :: f String
  , pAge  :: f Int
  } deriving (Generic)

Here we’ve parameterized Person' over something f (of kind * -> *), which allows us to do the following in order to get our original types back:

type Person      = Person' Identity
type MaybePerson = Person' Maybe

While this works, it’s kind of annoying in the Person case, since now all of our data is wrapped up inside of an Identity:

> :t pName @Identity
pName :: Person -> Identity String

> :t runIdentity . pName
runIdentity . pName :: Person -> String

We can fix this annoyance trivially, after which we will look at why defining Person' as such is actually useful. To get rid of the Identitys, we can use a type family (a function at the type-level) that erases them:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- "Higher-Kinded Data"
type family HKD f a where
  HKD Identity a = a
  HKD f        a = f a

data Person' f = Person
  { pName :: HKD f String
  , pAge  :: HKD f Int
  } deriving (Generic)

Using the HKD type family means that GHC will automatically erase any Identity wrappers in our representations:

> :t pName @Identity
pName :: Person -> String

> :t pName @Maybe
pName :: Person -> Maybe String

and with that, the higher-kinded version of Person can be used as a drop-in replacement for our original one. The obvious question is what have we bought ourselves with all of this work. Let’s look back at validate to help us answer this question. Compare our old implementation:

validate :: MaybePerson -> Maybe Person
validate (MaybePerson name age) =
  Person <$> name <*> age

with how we can now rewrite it with our new machinery:

validate :: Person' Maybe -> Maybe Person
validate (Person name age) =
  Person <$> name <*> age

Not a very interesting change is it? But the intrigue lies in how little needed to change. As you can see, only our type and pattern match needed to change from our original implementation. What’s neat here is that we have now consolidated Person and MaybePerson into the same representation, and therefore they are no longer related only in a nominal sense.

We can write a version of validate that will work for any higher-kinded datatype.

The secret is to turn to GHC.Generics. If you’re unfamiliar with them, they provide an isomorphism from a regular Haskell datatype to a generic representation that can be structurally manipulated by a clever programmer (ie: us.) By providing code for what to do for constant types, products and coproducts, we can get GHC to write type-independent code for us. It’s a really neat technique that will tickle your toes if you haven’t seen it before.

To start with, we need to define a typeclass that will be the workhorse of our transformation. In my experience, this is always the hardest part – the types of these generic-transforming functions are exceptionally abstract and in my opinion, very hard to reason about. I came up with this:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

class GValidate i o where
  gvalidate :: i p -> Maybe (o p)

I only have “soft-and-slow” rules for reasoning about what your typeclass should look like, but in general you’re going to need both an input and an output parameter. They both need to be of kind * -> * and then be passed this existentialized p, for dark, unholy reasons known not by humankind. I then have a little checklist I walk through to help me wrap my head around this nightmarish hellscape that we’ll walk through in a later installment of the series.

Anyway, with our typeclass in hand, it’s now just a matter of writing out instances of our typeclass for the various GHC.Generic types. We can start with the base case, which is we should be able to validate a Maybe k:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}

instance GValidate (K1 a (Maybe k)) (K1 a k) where
  -- gvalidate :: K1 a (Maybe k) -> Maybe (K1 a k)
  gvalidate (K1 k) = K1 <$> k
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

K1 represents a “constant type”, which is to say that it’s where our structural recursion conks out. In our Person' example, it’s the pName :: HKD f String bit.

Most of the time, once you have the base case in place, the rest is to just mechanically provide instances for the other types. Unless you need to access metadata about the original type anywhere, these instances will almost always be trivial homomorphisms.

We can start with products – if we have GValidate i o and GValidate i' o', we should be able to run them in parallel:

instance (GValidate i o, GValidate i' o')
    => GValidate (i :*: i') (o :*: o') where
  gvalidate (l :*: r) = (:*:)
                    <$> gvalidate l
                    <*> gvalidate r
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

If K1 referred directly to the selectors of our Person', (:*:) corresponds roughly to the , piece of syntax we separate our record fields with.

We can define a similar instance of GValidate for coproducts (corresponding to a | in a data definition):

instance (GValidate i o, GValidate i' o')
    => GValidate (i :+: i') (o :+: o') where
  gvalidate (L1 l) = L1 <$> gvalidate l
  gvalidate (R1 r) = R1 <$> gvalidate r
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

Furthermore, if we don’t care about looking at metadata, we can simply lift a GValidate i o over the metadata constructor:

instance GValidate i o
    => GValidate (M1 _a _b i) (M1 _a' _b' o) where
  gvalidate (M1 x) = M1 <$> gvalidate x
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

Just for kicks, we can provide the following trivial instances, for uninhabited types (V1) and for constructors without any parameters (U1):

instance GValidate V1 V1 where
  gvalidate = undefined
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

instance GValidate U1 U1 where
  gvalidate U1 = Just U1
  {-# INLINE gvalidate #-}

The use of undefined here is safe, since it can only be called with a value of V1. Fortunately for us, V1 is uninhabited, so this can never happen, and thus we’re morally correct in our usage of undefined.

Without further ado, now that we have all of this machinery out of the way, we can finally write a non-generic version of validate:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

    :: ( Generic (f Maybe)
       , Generic (f Identity)
       , GValidate (Rep (f Maybe))
                   (Rep (f Identity))
    => f Maybe
    -> Maybe (f Identity)
validate = fmap to . gvalidate . from

I always get a goofy smile when the signature for my function is longer than the actual implementation; it means we’ve hired the compiler to write code for us. What’s neat about validate here is that it doesn’t have any mention of Person'; this function will work for any type defined as higher-kinded data. Spiffy.

That’s all for today, folks. We’ve been introduced to the idea of higher-kinded data, seen how it’s completely equivalent with a datatype defined in a more traditional fashion, and also caught a glimmer of what kind of things are possible with this approach. This is where we stop for today, but in the next post we’ll look at how we can use the HKD approach to generate lenses without resorting to TemplateHaskell.

Happy higher-kinding!

Big shoutouts to Travis Athougies from whom I originally learned this technique, and to Ariel Weingarten and Fintan Halpenny for proofreading earlier versions of this post.