GHC's Specializer: Much More Than You Wanted to Know

ghc, haskell, polysemy, optimization

In the course of tracking down why free monads were so slow, I fell into a deep labyrinth of scary GHC internals. Six weeks later, I emerged, significantly more knowledgeable, and having implemented some changes in the compiler that will allow polysemy to be optimized much better. The improvements will be available in 8.10.1.

All of this seems like a good opportunity to share what I’ve learned, so today let’s talk about GHC’s specialization pass. This optimization is more popularly known as “the reason why mtl is so fast.”

At a high level, the specialization pass is responsible for optimizing away uses of ad-hoc polymorphism (typeclasses) in Haskell source code. When -fspecialise is enabled, GHC will make a monomorphic copy of every polymorphic method — one for every unique type it’s called with. The result should feel similar to anyone who’s written modern C++, as it’s completely analogous to how templates work.

While polymorphic functions are great for humans to write, they’re significantly slower for machines to execute, since you need to pass around vtables and perform dynamic dispatches, and all sorts of crazy things. This is exactly the purpose of GHC’s specialization pass, to simply get rid of all of that machinery and keep only the pieces that are explicitly used.

Let’s take an example. Consider the following program:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import           Control.Monad.State.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S

countdown :: S.StateT Int IO ()
countdown = do
  v <- get
  case v of
    0 -> pure ()
    _ -> do
      put $ v - 1

main :: IO ()
main = S.evalStateT countdown 10

When compiled via ghc Example.hs -O -fno-specialise1, we can look directly at the resulting Core of this program. If you’re unfamiliar with Core, it’s GHC’s intermediate language between source-level Haskell and the generated machine code. Core differs in two notable ways from source Haskell: its evaluation is explicit via case expressions, and both types and typeclass instances are explicitly passed around.

Anyway, here’s the relevant Core for our above program:

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 14, types: 13, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
  :: Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ((), Int) #)
  = \ (ww_s49L :: Int#) (w_s49I :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case ww_s49L of ds_X2I1 {
        __DEFAULT -> $wcountdown (-# ds_X2I1 1#) w_s49I;
        0# -> (# w_s49I, lvl1_r4ap #)
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 12, types: 29, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
main1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
  = \ (s_a2Ks :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case $wcountdown 10# s_a2Ks of { (# ipv_a2Kv, ipv1_a2Kw #) ->
      (# ipv_a2Kv,
         case ipv1_a2Kw of { (a1_a2I6, ds2_a2I7) -> a1_a2I6 } #)

As you can see, this is very short and to the point. Reading Core is a bit of an art, but the gist of it is this: main1 calls $wcountdown, which recursively calls itself, until the value of w_s49I is 0# when it stops. It’s probably exactly the same code you’d write by hand, if for some reason you were writing Core by hand.

Our program above is written directly against transformers, but nobody actually writes code against transformers in the real world. Choosing a concrete monad transformer stack is limiting, and at the same time, prevents you from restricting access to pieces of the stack. Instead, we’re encouraged to write code against abstract monad capabilities, traditionally mtl.

So let’s subtly change the type of countdown above:

countdown :: MonadState Int m => m ()

Nothing else in the program needs to change. Let’s now compile this program again via ghc Example.hs -O -fno-specialise. The result is horrendously worse Core:

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 35, types: 47, coercions: 0, joins: 0/2}
  :: forall (m :: * -> *).
     Applicative m =>
     (forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
     -> (forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b)
     -> m Int
     -> (Int -> m ())
     -> m ()
  = \ (@ (m_s4WK :: * -> *))
      (ww_s4WR :: Applicative m_s4WK)
      (ww1_s4WS :: forall a b. m_s4WK a -> (a -> m_s4WK b) -> m_s4WK b)
      (ww2_s4WT :: forall a b. m_s4WK a -> m_s4WK b -> m_s4WK b)
      (ww3_s4WX :: m_s4WK Int)
      (ww4_s4WY :: Int -> m_s4WK ()) ->
      let {
        lvl6_s4W1 :: m_s4WK ()
          = $wcountdown
              @ m_s4WK ww_s4WR ww1_s4WS ww2_s4WT ww3_s4WX ww4_s4WY } in
      let {
        lvl7_s4W2 :: m_s4WK ()
        lvl7_s4W2 = pure @ m_s4WK ww_s4WR @ () () } in
        @ Int
        @ ()
        (\ (v_a192 :: Int) ->
           case v_a192 of { I# ds_d3xJ ->
           case ds_d3xJ of ds1_X3xT {
             __DEFAULT ->
               ww2_s4WT @ () @ () (ww4_s4WY (I# (-# ds1_X3xT 1#))) lvl6_s4W1;
             0# -> lvl7_s4W2
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 17, types: 32, coercions: 21, joins: 0/0}
main1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
  = \ (s_a3z5 :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case (((($wcountdown
                 @ (StateT Int IO)
                 (lvl3_r50k `cast` <Co:13>)
              `cast` <Co:4>)
            `cast` <Co:4>)
      { (# ipv_a3z8, ipv1_a3z9 #) ->
      (# ipv_a3z8,
         case ipv1_a3z9 of { (a1_a3y3, ds2_a3y4) -> a1_a3y3 } #)

Yikes! What a mess! It’s amazing how much of a difference that one type signature made! Our simple mtl program above has turned into an unholy mess of passing around overly-polymorphic functions. We’ve paid an awful price to abstract away our monad stack, even though the actual program being run didn’t change!

Of course, this isn’t a real problem in the wild. Compile the program again, this time without the -fno-specialise flag2ghc Example.hs -O:

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 14, types: 13, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
  :: Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ((), Int) #)
  = \ (ww_s5dY :: Int#) (w_s5dV :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case ww_s5dY of ds_X3xU {
        __DEFAULT -> $w$scountdown (-# ds_X3xU 1#) w_s5dV;
        0# -> (# w_s5dV, lvl1_r5jV #)
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 12, types: 29, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
main1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
  = \ (s_X3Bw :: State# RealWorld) ->
      case $w$scountdown 10# s_X3Bw of { (# ipv_a3z9, ipv1_a3za #) ->
      (# ipv_a3z9,
         case ipv1_a3za of { (a1_a3y4, ds2_a3y5) -> a1_a3y4 } #)

Whew! We’re back to the speedy program we started with. -fspecialise has done the hard work of transforming our abstract code into fast code for us — exactly as a good compiler should.

What’s Going On?

It’s amazing how drastic the differences are in the generated code, just from flipping a switch!

Before we can discuss exactly how this transformation helps, we need to first go over some details of how GHC implements a few source-level Haskell features. The first is dictionaries, which are how typeclass dispatch works.


Consider the following program in source-level Haskell:

class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Eq () where
  (==) _ _ = True

equate :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
equate a1 a2 = a1 == a2

main :: IO ()
main = print $ equate () ()

Internally, GHC will generate the equivalent program:

data Eq a = Eq  -- #1
  (a -> a -> Bool)

(==) :: Eq a -> a -> a -> Bool
(==) dEq'a =  -- #2
  case dEq'a of
    Eq eqMethod -> eqMethod

eqUnit :: Eq ()  -- # 3
eqUnit = Eq
  (\_ _ -> True)

equate :: Eq a -> a -> a -> Bool  -- #4
equate dEq'a a1 a2 = (==) dEq'a a1 a2  -- #5

main :: IO ()
main = print $ equate eqUnit () ()  -- #6

Notably, the following changes occur:

  1. The class Eq a is transformed into data Eq a, with each class method becoming a field.
  2. The class method (==) receives a new Eq a parameter, and becomes a function which pattern matches on it.
  3. The instance Eq () becomes a top-level declaration of an Eq () value.
  4. The Eq a constraint on equate becomes a parameter of the new Eq a datatype.
  5. The usage of (==) in equate receives the new dEq'a parameter.
  6. The usage of equate at type a ~ () in main receives the new top-level eqUnit :: Eq () value as an argument.

We call the values eqUnit and dEq'a dictionaries. More precisely, a dictionary is any value whose type is a data type corresponding to a typeclass. Dictionaries do not exist in source-level Haskell, only in the generated Core. In real Core, dictionaries have names that start with $d, but we’ll omit the leading $ today, so we don’t get it confused with the ($) operator.

From all of this that we see that, under the hood, class definitions are just data definitions, and that constraints are just invisible parameters.

Case of Known Constructor

Consider the following program:

blah =
  case True of
    True  -> foo
    False -> bar

Because we’re scrutinizing on a constant value here, the result of this expression must always be foo. As such, it’s safe to replace the entire pattern match expression with foo:

blah = foo

This transformation is known as the case of known constructor optimization. While humans would never write such a thing by hand, expressions like these often come up as the result of other optimizing transformations.

Rewrite Rules

One final thing to discuss is GHC’s term rewriting mechanism, known as rewrite rules.

Rewrite rules are little statements that say “this thing can be written as that thing.” Whenever GHC encounters this thing, it will duly rewrite it as that thing. The motivating use case is to allow library authors to implement domain-specific optimizations — such as ensuring composing functions don’t generate intermediate structures. You might have heard of “list fusion,” which is implemented via rewrite rules.

Rewrite rules must preserve the type of the expression, but besides that are free to do anything they’d like. Just as an example, we can write a program which prints hello world seemingly from nowhere:

  "it's magic!"
    pure () = putStrLn "hello world"

main :: IO ()
main = pure ()

Compiling this with -O0 won’t print any message when run, but will print hello world when compiled with -O. Spooky!

When -XTypeApplications is enabled, rewrite rules are allowed to match on types too! For example, the following program will print 2 1 1:

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}

magic :: forall b a. a -> a
magic = id
{-# NOINLINE magic #-}

{-# RULES "it's magic!"
      forall (a :: Int).
        magic @String a = a + 1

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ magic @String (1 :: Int)
  print $ magic @Bool   (1 :: Int)
  print $ magic @String (1 :: Integer)

Of course, you shouldn’t abuse rewrite rules like this — make sure any rules you write are just more efficient versions of an equivalent program — but it’s helpful to demonstrate what’s going on.

Internally, GHC uses lots of rewrite rules itself! All of its constant-folding (e.g. replacing 2 + 3 with 5 at compile time) is done via rewrite rules, which helps separate that logic from the main compiler.


So with all of that background information out of the way, we’re finally ready to talk about how the specializer works.

Recall our original mtl program, transformed so it has its dictionaries explicitly passed:

countdown :: Monad m -> MonadState Int m -> m ()
-- There is a `Monad m` constraint on `MonadState s m`, which is where this
-- extra constraint comes from.
countdown dMonad'm dMonadState'm = do dMonad'm
  v <- get dMonadState'm
  case v of
    0 -> pure dMonad'm ()
    _ -> do dMonad'm
      put dMonadState'm $ v - 1
      countdown dMonad'm dMonadState'm

main :: IO ()
main =
      (dMonadStateT dMonadIO)
      (dMonadStateStateT dMonadIO))

When -fspecialise is set, the specializer will look for any calls to polymorphic functions with all of their dictionaries saturated by “interesting” dictionaries. The dictionaries dMonad'm and dMonadState'm in countdown aren’t interesting, since they’re just opaque dictionary variables; we don’t know anything about them.

However, GHC notices that countdown is called with m ~ StateT Int IO, and that all of its dictionaries are statically known. As such, it emits a specialized version of countdown, monomorphized to StateT Int IO ():

scountdown_StateT :: StateT Int IO ()
scountdown_StateT = do (dMonadStateT dMonadIO)
  v <- get (dMonadStateStateT dMonadIO)
  case v of
    0 -> pure (dMonadStateT dMonadIO) ()
    _ -> do (dMonadStateT dMonadIO)
      put (dMonadStateStateT dMonadIO) $ v - 1

In addition, the specializer will emit a rewrite rule:

{-# RULES "SPEC countdown @ (StateT Int IO)"
      forall (dMonad'm :: Monad (StateT Int IO))
             (dMonadState'm :: MonadState Int (StateT Int IO)).
        countdown @(StateT Int IO) dMonad'm dMonadState'm =

This rewrite rule will find any call to countdown at m ~ StateT Int IO, ignore the dictionaries passed to it, and replace the entire expression with the specialized scountdown_StateT function.

In particular, this means that main becomes:

main :: IO ()
main = S.evalStateT scountdown_StateT 10

The rule takes advantage of the fact that dictionaries are known to be consistent (all expressions for a dictionary of a given type eventually evaluate to the same record), so it can completely ignore its two dictionary arguments. However, in principle there’s absolutely no reason this same technique couldn’t be used to specialize on other, non-dictionary, arguments!

Notice now that pure, get, and the two do-blocks in scountdown_StateT are now called with interesting dictionaries, so pure, get and >>= can now all also be specialized at StateT Int IO.

Eventually the concrete dictionaries and corresponding specializations have propagated throughout the entire program. The optimizer can take advantage of two other properties now, namely that class methods were already transformed into pattern matches, and that all of the dictionaries are statically known. Which means, we have created several places in which we can now case of known case!

For example, let’s consider the get in countdown. It now looks something like this:

  v <- case MonadState (StateT $ \s -> implOfPureForIO (s, s)) ... of
         MonadState getMethod _ _ -> getMethod

which can obviously be simplified to

  v <- StateT $ \s -> implOfPureForIO (s, s)

This is already a great improvement! But it gets better, recall that we’re binding in the StateT monad, which in turn is calling bind in IO. But bind in IO is itself implemented as a pattern match, and so case-of-known-constructor applies there too!

The end result is that GHC spins for a while, alternatingly specializing, inlining, case-of-known-casing, and performing a few other optimizations. Each of these in turn opens up additional opportunities for the others to fire. After a few iterations of this, the resulting code is often orders of magnitude faster!

Coming in 8.10.1…

Everything described above is how the compiler behaves today in GHC 8.6.5 (and has, since like 2007 or something.) However, when digging into the performance of my free monad library polysemy, I noticed that code written against my library wasn’t benefiting from the specialization pass! As a result, my library was performing anywhere between 10x and 1000x worse than mtl, even though the eventual code being run was identical to mtl.

Like our experiments above into mtl, I was paying a performance cost for abstraction, even though the concrete program was identical.

Some investigation by the indefatigable mpickering pointed out that the specializer was failing to specialize. As it happens, the specializer is more than happy to optimize away dictionaries that are passed as the first non-type arguments to a function, but no others.

That means it will go home early if it runs into a function whose signature is of the form:

foo :: Int -> forall a. Eq a => ...

Again, humans would never write such a thing, but the optimizer is more than happy to spit these things out. Additionally, code like this often shows up whenever you use a newtype to get around GHC’s annoying error that it “does not (yet) support impredicative polymorphism”.

Anyway, all of this is to say that in 8.10.1, the specialization pass is now smart enough to specialize functions like foo. As a result, we should see very real performance improvements in libraries like polysemy and lens, and, excitingly, any programs which use them!

  1. The meaning of the flags is — -O: enable optimizations; -fno-specialise: disable the specialization pass.↩︎

  2. -fspecialise is included in -O.↩︎