Writing Custom Optimization Passes

polysemy, plugin, optimization

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to performance in polysemy. Getting it to be fast has been really hard. It’s clearly possible, but for the longest time I was afraid I’d need to fork the compiler. And that didn’t seem like a thing that would attract a large-user base.

For example, polysemy benefits greatly from a late specialization pass, and would benefit further from aggressive inlining after the late specialization pass. Unfortunately, GHC doesn’t do any inlining passes after -flate-specialise, so it feels like we’re stuck on this front.

Thankfully, the eternally helpful mpickering pointed me at the GHC plugin interface, which has support for directing the optimizer to do things it wouldn’t usually.

Today, I want to talk about how I made the polysemy-plugin run two optimizations that greatly benefit code written with polysemy.

The gist of writing a GHC plugin is to import ghc:Plugins, and to create an exported top-level bind plugin :: Plugin. Other code can use this plugin by specifying the -fplugin= option to point at this module.

Installing Core ToDos

Plugins have a field called installCoreToDos with type [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]. A CoreToDo is GHC’s oddly-named concept of a compiler pass over Core. This function receives the list of CoreToDos it was planning to do, and you can change that list if you want.

By default there’s a big flowchart of CoreToDos that the compiler will run through in order to compile a module. The optimization level (-O) effects which passes get run, as do many of the individual optimization flags.

By attaching our extra optimization passes to the end of this list, we can make GHC optimize harder than it usually would. But because most code won’t benefit from this extra work, we guard the new optimization passes behind two conditions. The user must be compiling with optimizations turned on, and the module being compiled must import Polysemy.

Checking for the optimization level is simple enough, we can pull it out of the DynFlags (GHC’s datatype that stores all of the crazy flags you might have set):

  dflags <- getDynFlags
  case optLevel dflags of
    0 -> -- corresponds to -O0
    1 -> -- corresponds to -O
    2 -> -- corresponds to -O2

Checking, however, for presence of the Polysemy module is less straightforward. Honestly I’m not sure what the “correct” solution to this problem is, but I’m pretty happy with the disgusting hack I came up with.

The CoreM monad (which is what you’re running in when you install CoreToDos) doesn’t exactly have stellar documentation. It has access to the HscEnv, which in turn has a hsc_mod_graph :: ModuleGraph — which sounds like the sort of thing that might contain the modules currently in scope. Unfortunately this is not so; hsc_mod_graph contains the modules defined in the package being defined.

If we could get our hands on the ModGuts (GHC’s representation of a Haskell module), we could inspect its mg_deps :: Dependencies field, which would surely have what we need. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any easy way to get access to the ModGuts in a CoreM without jumping through several hoops.

But one thing caught my eye! There is an operation getVisibleOrphanMods :: CoreM ModuleSet, which after some investigation, turns out to contain any module in scope (directly or otherwise) that defines an orphan instance.

It’s disgusting, but I made an internal module in polysemy that contains the following definitions:

module Polysemy.Internal.PluginLookup where

class PluginLookup t
data Plugin

and the corresponding orphan instance in the module I wanted to track in my plugin:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

import Polysemy.Internal.PluginLookup

instance PluginLookup Plugin

I know, I know. But because the module that defines these things is internal, there’s no way for anyone else to define instances of this thing. So at least it’s a safe use of orphans.

Sure enough, this little gem is enough to get my module noticed by getVisibleOrphanMods, and so I can check for the presence of my module via:

  mods <- moduleSetElts <$> getVisibleOrphanMods
  if any ((== mkModuleName "Polysemy.Internal") . moduleName) mods
     then ...

And voila, we’re now ready to install our extra CoreToDos. In this case, I just cargo-culted a few from GHC’s existing passes list. Namely I added a CoreDoSpecialising, a CoreDoStaticArgs, yet another CoreDoSpecialising, and a bevvy of simplification passes. The result might be overkill, but it’s sufficient to massage this scary core into this — and get roughly a 1000x runtime performance improvement in the process.

Inlining Recursive Calls

But this lack of optimization passes wasn’t the only thing slowly polysemy down. The library depends on several library- and user-written functions that are complicated and necessarily self-recursive.

GHC is understandably hesitant to inline recursive functions — the result would diverge — but as a side-effect, it seems to refuse to optimize big recursive functions whatsoever. For my purposes, this meant that most of the crucial machinery in the library was being completely ignored by GHC’s best optimization pass.

I accidentally stumbled upon a fix. To illustrate, let’s pretend like the factorial function is my complicated self-recursive function. The optimizer would refuse to fire when the function was written like this:

factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
{-# INLINE factorial #-}

But, a minor syntactic tweak was enough to trick the compiler into optimizing it:

factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial' (n - 1)
{-# INLINE factorial #-}

factorial' :: Int -> Int
factorial' = factorial
{-# NOINLINE factorial' #-}

Now factorial is no longer self-recursive. It’s mutually recursive, and for some reason, the NO/INLINE pragmas are enough to keep GHC off our back. This is an easy fix, but it’s annoying boilerplate. And I hate annoying boilerplate.

Early versions of polysemy shipped with a function inlineRecursiveCalls :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] which would use Template Haskell to transform our slow, self-recursive factorial above into the fast, mutually-exclusive version below. While this worked, it was unsatisfactory; TH splices don’t play nicely with haddock or with text editors.

But this isn’t something that regular users should need to care about! Optimization concerns should lie solely in the responsibility of library-writers — not in their users. It seemed like a good opportunity to write a custom optimization pass, and like any curious boy, I took it.

We can use the CoreDoPluginPass :: String -> (ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts) -> CoreToDo constructor to inject our own ModGuts transformation as an optimization pass. Recall that ModGuts is GHC’s definition of a module. For our purposes, we’re interested in its mg_binds field, which contains all of the value-level things in the module.

A mg_binds is a [Bind CoreBndr], and a Bind CoreBndr is a pair of a name and its corresponding expression definition. More specifically, the definition for Bind is:

data Bind b = NonRec b (Expr b)
            | Rec [(b, (Expr b))]

A non-recursive binding is something like x = 5, while a recursive binding is anything that is self- or mutually-recursive.

So, if we want to transform self-recursive calls into mutually-recursive calls, we first need to identify if a definition is self-recursive. Fortunately, the incredible syb library comes in handy here, as it lets us write small queries that get lifted over the entire datatype.

We can write containsName using everywhere, mkQ and the Any monoid to determine if the CoreBndr name is used anywhere in the CoreExpr1.

containsName :: CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> Bool
containsName n =
    getAny .
        (mkQ (Any False) matches)
    matches :: CoreExpr -> Any
    matches (Var n') | n == n' = Any True
    matches _ = Any False

If containsName b e is True for any (b, e) in the mg_binds, then that function is self-recursive. As such, we’d like to generate a new NOINLINE bind for it, and then replace the original self-call to be to this new bind.

Replacing a call is just as easy as finding the recursion:

replace :: CoreBndr -> CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
replace n n' = everywhere $ mkT go
    go :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
    go v@(Var nn)
      | nn == n   = Var n'
      | otherwise = v
    go x = x

But creating the new binding is rather more work; we need to construct a new name for it, and then fiddle with its IdInfo in order to set the inlining information we’d like.

loopbreaker :: Uniq -> CoreBndr -> CoreExpr -> [(Var, CoreExpr)]
loopbreaker newUniq n e =
  let Just info = zapUsageInfo $ idInfo n
      info' = setInlinePragInfo info alwaysInlinePragma
      n' = mkLocalVar
             (idDetails n)
             (mkInternalName newUniq (occName n) noSrcSpan)
             (idType n)
         $ setInlinePragInfo vanillaIdInfo neverInlinePragma
   in [ (lazySetIdInfo n info', replace n n' e)
      , (n', Var n)

First we use zapUsageInfo to make GHC forget that this binding is self-recursive2, and then use setInlinePragInfo to spiritually inject a {-# INLINE n #-} pragma onto it. We then construct a new name (a nontrivial affair; loopbreaker above is simplified in order to get the new Uniq to ensure our variable is hygienic), and replace the self-recursive call with a call to the new name. Finally, we need to spit out the two resulting binds.

There’s a little machinery to call loopbreaker on the mg_guts, but it’s uninteresting and this post is already long enough. If you’re interested, the full code is available on Github. In total, it’s a little less than 100 lines long; pretty good for adding a completely new optimization pass!

That’s enough about writing plugins for improving performance; in the next post we’ll discuss typechecker plugins, and how they can be used to extend GHC’s constraint-solving machinery. Stay tuned!

  1. GHC has a bad habit of using type synonyms. A CoreExpr is just a Expr CoreBndr.↩︎

  2. I’m not sure this part is necessary, but it doesn’t seem to hurt.↩︎