Review: Syntax-Guided Synthesis
I was describing my idea from last week to automatically optimize programs to Colin, who pointed me towards Syntax-Guided Synthesis by Alur et al.
Syntax-Guided Synthesis is the idea that free-range program synthesis is really hard, so instead, let’s constrain the search space with a grammar of allowable programs. We can then enumerate those possible programs, attempting to find one that satisfies some constraints. The idea is quite straightforward when you see it, but that’s not to say it’s unimpressive; the paper has lots of quantitative results about exactly how well this approach does.
The idea is we want to find programs with type I
, that satisfy some spec
ification. We’ll do that by picking some Lang
uage of syntax, and trying to build our programs there.
All of this is sorta moot, because we assume we have some oracle
which can tell us if our program satisfies the spec
. But the oracle
is probably some SMT solver, and is thus expensive to call, so we’d like to try hard not to call it if possible.
Let’s take an example, and say that we’d like to synthesize the max
of two Nat
s. There are lots of ways of doing that! But we’d like to find a function that satisfies the following:
data MaxSpec (f : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ × ℕ → Set where
is-max : {x y : ℕ}
→ x ≤ f (x , y)
→ y ≤ f (x , y)
→ ((f (x , y) ≡ x) ⊎ (f (x , y) ≡ y))
→ MaxSpec f (x , y)
If we can successfully produce an element of MaxSpec
, we have a proof that f
is an implementation of max
. Of course, actually producing such a thing is rather tricky; it’s equivalent to determining if MaxSpec
is Dec
idable for the given input.
In the first three cases, we have some conflicting piece of information, so we are unable to produce a MaxSpec
decideMax : (f : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ) → (i : ℕ × ℕ) → Dec (MaxSpec f i)
decideMax f i@(x , y) with f i | inspect f i
... | o | [ fi≡o ] with x ≤? o | y ≤? o
... | no ¬x≤o | _ = no λ { (is-max x≤o _ _) →
contradiction (≤-trans x≤o (≤-reflexive fi≡o)) ¬x≤o }
... | yes _ | no ¬y≤o = no λ { (is-max x y≤o x₂) →
contradiction (≤-trans y≤o (≤-reflexive fi≡o)) ¬y≤o }
... | yes x≤o | yes y≤o with o ≟ x | o ≟ y
... | no x≠o | no y≠o =
no λ { (is-max x x₁ (inj₁ x₂)) →
contradiction (trans (sym fi≡o) x₂) x≠o
; (is-max x x₁ (inj₂ y)) →
contradiction (trans (sym fi≡o) y) y≠o
Otherwise, we have a proof that o
is equal to either y
or x
... | no proof | yes o≡y = yes
(is-max (≤-trans x≤o (≤-reflexive (sym fi≡o)))
(≤-trans y≤o (≤-reflexive (sym fi≡o)))
(inj₂ (trans fi≡o o≡y)))
... | yes o≡x | _ = yes
(is-max (≤-trans x≤o (≤-reflexive (sym fi≡o)))
(≤-trans y≤o (≤-reflexive (sym fi≡o)))
(inj₁ (trans fi≡o o≡x)))
is a proof that our function is an implementation of max
, and decideMax
is a proof that “we’d know one if we saw one.” So that’s the specification taken care of. The next step is to define the syntax we’d like to guard our search.
The paper presents this syntax as a BNF grammar, but my thought is why use a grammar when we could instead use a type system? Our syntax is a tiny little branching calculus, capable of representing Term
s and branching Cond
data Term : Set where
var-x : Term
var-y : Term
const : ℕ → Term
if-then-else : Cond → Term → Term → Term
data Cond : Set where
leq : Term → Term → Cond
and : Cond → Cond → Cond
invert : Cond → Cond
All that’s left for our example is the ability to “compile” a Term
down to a candidate function. Just pattern match on the constructors and push the inputs around until we’re done:
eval : Term → ℕ × ℕ → ℕ
eval var-x (x , y) = x
eval var-y (x , y) = y
eval (const c) (x , y) = c
eval (if-then-else c t f) i =
if evalCond c i then eval t i else eval f i
evalCond : Cond → ℕ × ℕ → Bool
evalCond (leq m n) i = Dec.does (eval m i ≤? eval n i)
evalCond (and c1 c2) i = evalCond c1 i ∧ evalCond c2 i
evalCond (invert c) i = not (evalCond c i)
So that’s most of the idea; we’ve specified what we’re looking for, via MaxSpec
, what our syntax is, via Term
, and a way of compiling our syntax into functions, via eval
. This is the gist of the technique; the rest is just algorithms.
The paper presents several algorithms and evaluates their performances. But one is clearly better than the others in the included benchmarks, so we’ll just go through that one.
Our algorithm to synthesize code corresponding to the specification takes a few parameters. We’ve seen the first few:
module Solver
{Lang I O : Set}
(spec : (I → O) → I → Set)
(decide : (f : I → O) → (i : I) → Dec (spec f i))
(compile : Lang → I → O)
However, we also need a way of synthesizing terms in our Lang
uage. For that, we’ll use enumerate
, which maps a natural number to a term:
(enumerate : ℕ → Lang)
Although it’s not necessary for the algorithm, we should be able to implement exhaustive
over enumerate
, which states every Lang
is eventually produced by enumerate
(exhaustive : (x : Lang) → Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] (enumerate n ≡ x))
Finally, we need an oracle
capable of telling us if our solution is correct. This might sound a bit like cheating, but behind the scenes it’s just a magic SMT solver. The idea is that SMT can either confirm that our program is correct, or produce a counterexample that violates the spec
. The type here is a bit crazy, so we’ll take it one step at a time.
An oracle
is a function that takes a Lang
: (exp : Lang)
and either gives back a function that can produce a spec (compile exp)
for every input:
→ ((i : I) → spec (compile exp) i)
or gives back some input which is not a spec (compile exp)
⊎ Σ[ i ∈ I ] ¬ spec (compile exp) i)
The algorithm here is actually quite clever. The idea is that to try each enumerate
d value in order, attempting to minimize the number of calls we make to the oracle
, because they’re expensive. So instead, well keep a list of every counterexample we’ve seen so far, and ensure that our synthesized function passes all of them before sending it off to the oracle
. First, we’ll need a data structure to store our search progress:
record SearchState : Set where
iteration : ℕ
cases : List I
open SearchState
The initial search state is one in which we start at the beginning, and have no counterexamples:
start : SearchState
iteration start = 0
cases start = []
We can try a function by testing every counterexample:
try : (I → O) → List I → Bool
try f = all (Dec.does ∘ decide f)
and finally, can now attempt to synthesize some code. Our function check
takes a SearchState
, and either gives back the next step of the search, or some program, and a proof that it’s what we’re looking for.
: SearchState
→ SearchState
⊎ (Σ[ exp ∈ Lang ] ((i : I) → spec (compile exp) i))
check ss
We begin by getting and compiling the next enumerate
d term:
with enumerate (iteration ss)
... | exp with compile exp
check if it passes all the previous counterexamples:
... | f with try f (cases ss)
if it doesn’t, just fail with the next iteration
... | false = inj₁ (record { iteration = suc (iteration ss)
; cases = cases ss
Otherwise, our proposed function might just be the thing we’re looking for, so it’s time to consult the oracle
... | true with oracle exp
which either gives a counterexample that we need to record:
... | inj₂ (y , _) =
inj₁ (record { iteration = suc (iteration ss)
; cases = y ∷ cases ss
or it confirms that our function satisfies the specification, and thus that were done:
... | inj₁ x = inj₂ (exp , x)
Pretty cool! The paper gives an optimization that caches the result of every counterexample on every synthesized program, and reuses these whenever that program appears as a subprogram of a larger one. The idea is that we can trade storage so we only ever need to evaluate each subprogram once — important for expensive computations.
Of course, pumping check
by hand is annoying, so we can instead package it up as solve
which takes a search depth, and iterates check
until it runs out of gas or gets the right answer:
: ℕ
→ Maybe (Σ[ exp ∈ Lang ] ((i : I) → spec (compile exp) i))
solve = go start
: SearchState
→ ℕ
→ Maybe
(Σ Lang (λ exp → (i : I) → spec (compile exp) i))
go ss zero = nothing
go ss (suc n) with check ss
... | inj₁ x = go ss n
... | inj₂ y = just y